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Extreme makeover paludarium ..... Let the games begin ......

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  • #16
    Hi Thomas,

    bei mir gehts jetzt auch wieder. Vorher ging bei mir auch die Startseite von dendrobatenforum nicht. Naja jetzt gehts wieder

    diverse arboreale Reptilien


    • #17

      ich bevorzuge halt Becken, die aus natürlichen Baustoffen gestaltet sind.

      Jeder halt wie er mag.

      Gruß Ingo V.


      • #18

        @Ingo: Ich geb dir voll und ganz Recht, jeder wie er will! Wobei dir das fertige Kunstwerk wohl auch nicht missfällt oder?
        @Luc: It is VERY great! This seems to be the paradise!!!




        • #19
          Hi Luc,

          on the first pictures you have Xaxim on the back and one side.
          Why did you put pu foam over the Xaxim? Is there a special reason?

          Best regards,
          Zuletzt geändert von pura_vida; 19.02.2008, 09:24.


          • #20
            Hi Michi,

            This was allready in the terrarium, now it's overflowing with water.

            By the way, this is not the flevopol method that I've used.
            I've used epoxi.
            In the epoxy, I've pushed the turf.
            You can only work 30 minutes with epoxy, then it's completaly hard, so you have to work in steps.

            Best regards,

            Zuletzt geändert von Luc Somers; 19.02.2008, 09:32.


            • #21
              Hey Luc,
              the only one i can say,
              great !!!


              • #22
                Hi Luc,

                first of all, your paludarium looks great. Well done!
                Though there`s one thing I can`t agree with, and this is the use of peat.

                In Germany the marshes are an important territory of Vipera berus (which is top ranked among the threatened animal species in Germany) and the marshland is completely protected by law.

                On the other hand every year a large amount of peat gets mined in North-Germany, which as a consequence means to invade the withdrawal areas of Vipera berus.

                Meanwhile Germany`s biggest hardware store OBI has abstained from selling peat & is offering a substitute (Torfersatz) instead.

                In my opinion using peat means to accept the ongoing decrease of Vipera berus (at least in Germany). Therefore herpers should completely do without this substrate.




                • #23
                  Zitat von Snakefinger Beitrag anzeigen
                  Hi Luc,

                  first of all, your paludarium looks great. Well done!
                  Though there`s one thing I can`t agree with, and this is the use of peat.

                  In Germany the marshes are an important territory of Vipera berus (which is top ranked among the threatened animal species in Germany) and the marshland is completely protected by law.

                  On the other hand every year a large amount of peat gets mined in North-Germany, which as a consequence means to invade the withdrawal areas of Vipera berus.

                  Meanwhile Germany`s biggest hardware store OBI has abstained from selling peat & is offering a substitute (Torfersatz) instead.

                  In my opinion using peat means to accept the ongoing decrease of Vipera berus (at least in Germany). Therefore herpers should completely do without this substrate.


                  Hi Snakefinger,

                  I'm realy sorry to read this, I didn't know about the snakes and it wasn't my target to hurt them.
                  In Belgium the peak is not protected by law, you can buy it in every plant-shop as much as you want.

                  I didn't knew it was protected in Germany, I'm sorry that it isn't in Belgium, otherwise I didn't use it.




                  • #24
                    Hi Luc,

                    Be sure, I don`t blame you. I had been using peat myself until I got aware of that problem after reading the book "Die Kreuzotter" (2002) by Völkl & Thiesmeier.

                    My only intention is to make folks over here aware of the problem and ask them to use other substrates than peat for their vivariums for the sake of protecting our marshlands & cross adders, the only venomous snake species we have in Germany.

                    What makes the situation so grotesque is the fact that the marshland in Germany is protected but at the same time the mining of peat is still legal.

                    Best wishes

                    Zuletzt geändert von Snakefinger; 19.02.2008, 23:38. Grund: addition


                    • #25
                      Zitat von Snakefinger Beitrag anzeigen
                      Hi Luc,

                      Be sure, I don`t blame you. I had been using peat myself until I got aware of that problem after reading the book "Die Kreuzotter" (2002) by Völkl & Thiesmeier.

                      My only intention is to make folks over here aware of the problem and ask them to use other substrates than peat for their vivariums for the sake of protecting our marshlands & cross adders, the only venomous snake species we have in Germany.

                      What makes the situation so grotesque is the fact that the marshland in Germany is protected but at the same time the mining of peat is still legal.

                      Best wishes


                      Hi Snakefinger,

                      I know you don't balme me, but it's good that you notice people about the problem.
                      I didn't know that, so I'll take more attention about this in the future.
                      I've allredy bought a 50 L bag peat for this project, so I hope you understand my situation here in Belgium, you can buy as much as you want, the offer is extremaly in every plant-shop, I didn't knew this problem.

                      Kindest regards,



                      • #26

                        das absurde ist ja, dass Torf immer noch als Brennstoff gewonnen und vermarktet wird.

                        Gruß Ingo V.


                        • #27
                          Naja über unsere schlauen Gesetzte brauchen wir ja hier nicht weiter anfangen zu diskutieren. Da müsst man schon einen eigenen Thread aufmachen. Das eine Privatperson einen Bergmolch nicht fangen darf ist eine Sache, dass er aber Fische in den Tümpel/Weiher reinwerfen darf so viel er will, er muss ja schließlich angeln können, ist eine andere Sache.

                          diverse arboreale Reptilien


                          • #28

                            ja ich glaube wenn wir über die Gesetze reden wöllten wäre ein riesiges Forum angebracht ...Erweiterungsvorschlag für die HP :ggg:

