Together with H.dunni, I am working on the studbook of Ambystoma macrodactylum for the upcoming Gersfeld meeting. At this moment I am counting 68 animals over 9 (European) keepers.... Since one of the belgian breeders has actually offered animals at Hamm, I know that some CB specimens have not been included in the studbook and probably found a German 'home' . I would like to trace them this way (I know it is a long shot). Anybody that keeps this species and is willing to have his animals included in the studbook can either post his info here or mail me personally.
The idea is to have an overview of how this species is doing under captive conditions and if we are succesfull keeping this species. From the records it seems that this species is not that common or easy to keep . In 2005 the numbers fell with at least 13 animals , and for another 13 (included in the 68) I still fail conformation ...
Reason are deaths and the first non breeding year over a 6 year period So keepers please respond if you have any ...
PS. Enschuldigung fur die nicht Deutsche beitrage...
The idea is to have an overview of how this species is doing under captive conditions and if we are succesfull keeping this species. From the records it seems that this species is not that common or easy to keep . In 2005 the numbers fell with at least 13 animals , and for another 13 (included in the 68) I still fail conformation ...
Reason are deaths and the first non breeding year over a 6 year period So keepers please respond if you have any ...
PS. Enschuldigung fur die nicht Deutsche beitrage...