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Litterature questions

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  • Litterature questions

    Dear all, DGHT staff

    I'm in search of the Martensiella publication which contains "history of herpetocultue".

    Is it possible for DGHT member to obtain earlier Martensiella publications and if so, where can I turn to find them?

    I run a forum back in Norway and in january we will be putting toghether a small group of enthisiasts that will be working on the ethics of herpetoculture. This project is mostly for fun but it does have a serious tone to it so we want to make sure we get our facts somewhat right since reptiles are illegal in Norway and we will be confronting our authorities with the litterature we produce at the end of the project.
    So my question is, does anyone have recomendations for good litteraure in English that is relative to this topic?
    We are interested in both Books and internet resources in the search to find an objective answer on wether or not herptilesshould be permitted to keep as terrarium animals.

    Kind regards

  • #2
    Re: Litterature questions

    Hi Valen,
    order info for Mertensiella (22€ for members, 32 non-members) you find here:
    To my knowledge it is only available in German.
    You can also send an e-mail (in English if you like) to the DGHT office: E-Mail:
    I'm afraid I cannot help with you second question.
    kind regards
    Derzeit: Lampropeltis, Rhadinophis und Elaphe


    • #3
      Re: Litterature questions

      Dear Valen,

      there are a lot of Mertensiella still in stock. Only number 1 – 4 are out of print. Number 12 Die Geschichte der Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde im deutschsprachigen Raum is still available.
      To order contact the office of DGHT:
      The only “problem” is that it’s in german, not in english.

      So my question is, does anyone have recomendations for good litteraure in English that is relative to this topic?

      Maybe you know the both following titels. These books are an absolute must for every herpetological libary.

      ADLER, K. (1989): Contributions to the History of Herpetology - Oxford, Ohio, 202 p.

      HAINES, S. (2000): Slithy Toves: Illustrated classic herpetological books at the University of Kansas in pictures and conversations - Ithaca, NY, viii, 180 p.

      Best wishes



      • #4
        Re: Litterature questions

        Dear Felix, Arnd

        Thank you for pointing to the direction of the webshop, I'll be sure to pick up a copy of Martensiella no. 12.

        It seems that "Contributions to the History of Herpetology" is out of print though it is still available second hand in some bookshops.
        Thank you for the cited litterature.


