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Rhampholeon sp. (nchisiensis ?)

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  • Rhampholeon sp. (nchisiensis ?)

    I am looking for somebody who could help me in recognition of Rhampholeon species. The chameleons were imported from Tanzania as Rh.kersteni but it is certainly not this species. I suppose that it is Rh.nchisiensis, but I am not sure.
    I have four females, three of them laid the eggs (6, 7 and the biggest females - 19 eggs !). The body length the biggest animal is 6,5 cm (including tail = 13 mm)
    Pictures are on the page:

  • #2
    Re: Rhampholeon sp. (nchisiensis ?)

    Sorry ! Mistake. Pictures are here:


    • #3
      Re: Rhampholeon sp. (nchisiensis ?)

      Hi Robert,

      yours specimens could be R. moyeri. The snout appendix looks flexible and point down. Some eggs hatched at daytemperatures of 18-21 °C and nighttemperatures of 16-18°C.

      seit über 16 Jahren der Herpetologie verfallen (mehr darfs ja nicht sein, wenn man erst 17 ist )


      • #4
        Re: Rhampholeon sp. (nchisiensis ?)

        Hi Nicola,
        Thank you for your suggestion. I take Rh.moyeri into consideration but the snout appendix by this species seems to be longer as by mine specimens and reaches almost mouth. See pictures:

        Tomorrow I will check publication of Menegon and all from J.of Herpetology with description of Rh.moyeri and I hope to put in touch with authors. But all suggestions are welcome.

        By the way, the fourth female laid 11 eggs. A part of eggs are incubated in 20-22°C (day) and 16-18 (night) and the second part in 17-18 (day) and 14-16 (night).

        [[ggg]Editiert von Robert Maslak am 09-11-2005 um 21:06 GMT[/ggg]]


        • #5
          Re: Rhampholeon sp. (nchisiensis ?)

          After consultations with Colin Tilbury, I am almost sure that I have Rh.nchisiensis.

          Some points which confirm this hypothesis:
          - relatively big size of females
          - the big number of eggs (none of the other species lay anything close to 19 eggs)
          - colour of relaxing females (scatter of blue tubercles
          on the eyeball, some orange or brown on the posterior side of
          the limbs)
          - no sign of any dermal invagination or pits / mite pockets at the axillae and inguinal (groin) areas

          However the lately character is difficult for me to recognize, because I have no specimens with dermal pockets to comparison - the pockets seem to be absent.


          • #6
            Re: Rhampholeon sp. (nchisiensis ?)

            Hello Robert,

            did you received my Email? Not so long ago I got a question about nchisiensis from Lukasz (Poland). Is he a friend of you, I think he send me the same pictures.



            • #7
              Re: Rhampholeon sp. (nchisiensis ?)

              Hi Thomas,
              Yes, Lukasz sent you pictures of my animals. He has this species too (three females). Now we have together 7 females and over 60 eggs.
              Thank you for your e-mail, I am waiting for your pictures.

