Greetings to DGHT Foren! Just registered, not without help of a German colleague 
I am looking for information about haltung, nahrung, terrarium setup, breeding stimulation etc etc of Indischer Hausgecko (H. flaviviridls). Expert recommendations would be highly appreciated.
Also, a copy of a comprehensive article (if there is such) in any electronic format would be super. I am not reading German, but would find a way to translate it.
Vielen Dank

I am looking for information about haltung, nahrung, terrarium setup, breeding stimulation etc etc of Indischer Hausgecko (H. flaviviridls). Expert recommendations would be highly appreciated.
Also, a copy of a comprehensive article (if there is such) in any electronic format would be super. I am not reading German, but would find a way to translate it.
Vielen Dank
