Hallo zusammen,
ich suche mal wieder ein paar Artikel und wäre dankbar wenn mir jemand die Artikel zukommen lassen könnte oder einen Hinweis hat wo man diese bekommen kann.
BAUER, A. M. & T. LAMP (2003 ): Pachydactylus fasciatus BOULENGER 1888 - African Herp News, Durban, 36: 20 - 21
BAUER, A. M. & W. B. BRANCH (1991 ): Notes on Pachydactylus fasciatus, a poorly known Gecko from Northern Namibia - Jour. Herp. Ass. Afr., 39: 1 - 5
BAUER, A. M., LAMB, T. & W. R. BRANCH (2002 ): A Revision of Pachydactylus scutatus (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkonidae) with the Description of a new Species from Northern Namibia - Proc. California Acad. Sci., San Francisco, 53 (3): 23 - 36
LAMB, T. & A. M. BAUER (2000 ): Relationships of the Pachydactylus rugosus group of geckos (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkonidae) - Afr. Zool., 35 (1): 55 - 67
BRAIN, C. K. (1958 ): Web - Footed Geckos of the Namib (Palmatogecko rangei) - African Wildlife, 12: 67 - 70
FURMAN, J. (1994 ): Field Observation, Captive Husbandry and Breeding of the Web - Footed Gecko, Palmatogecko rangei - Dactylus, San Diego, 2 (3): 102 - 106
JAUCH, H. (1993 ): Notes on the Web - footed Gecko Palmatogecko rangei in captivity - African Herp News, Durban, 19: 22 - 23
KÜHNELT, W. (1982 ): A Remarkable case of Longevity in Palmatogecko rangei - Jour. Herp. Ass. Afr., 27: 7 - 8
PROCTER, J. B. (1928 ): On the remarkable Gecko Palmatogecko rangei Andersson - Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 916 - 923
RUSSELL, A. P. & A. M. BAUER (1990 ): Substrate excavation in the Namibian web - footed gecko, Palmatogecko rangei, and its ecological significance - Trop. Zool., Firenze, 3: 197 - 207
Viele Grüße und schönes Wochenende
[[ggg]Editiert von Sebastian Schenk am 13-01-2006 um 17:53 GMT[/ggg]]
[[ggg]Editiert von Sebastian Schenk am 13-01-2006 um 18:30 GMT[/ggg]]
ich suche mal wieder ein paar Artikel und wäre dankbar wenn mir jemand die Artikel zukommen lassen könnte oder einen Hinweis hat wo man diese bekommen kann.
BAUER, A. M. & T. LAMP (2003 ): Pachydactylus fasciatus BOULENGER 1888 - African Herp News, Durban, 36: 20 - 21
BAUER, A. M. & W. B. BRANCH (1991 ): Notes on Pachydactylus fasciatus, a poorly known Gecko from Northern Namibia - Jour. Herp. Ass. Afr., 39: 1 - 5
BAUER, A. M., LAMB, T. & W. R. BRANCH (2002 ): A Revision of Pachydactylus scutatus (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkonidae) with the Description of a new Species from Northern Namibia - Proc. California Acad. Sci., San Francisco, 53 (3): 23 - 36
LAMB, T. & A. M. BAUER (2000 ): Relationships of the Pachydactylus rugosus group of geckos (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkonidae) - Afr. Zool., 35 (1): 55 - 67
BRAIN, C. K. (1958 ): Web - Footed Geckos of the Namib (Palmatogecko rangei) - African Wildlife, 12: 67 - 70
FURMAN, J. (1994 ): Field Observation, Captive Husbandry and Breeding of the Web - Footed Gecko, Palmatogecko rangei - Dactylus, San Diego, 2 (3): 102 - 106
JAUCH, H. (1993 ): Notes on the Web - footed Gecko Palmatogecko rangei in captivity - African Herp News, Durban, 19: 22 - 23
KÜHNELT, W. (1982 ): A Remarkable case of Longevity in Palmatogecko rangei - Jour. Herp. Ass. Afr., 27: 7 - 8
PROCTER, J. B. (1928 ): On the remarkable Gecko Palmatogecko rangei Andersson - Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 916 - 923
RUSSELL, A. P. & A. M. BAUER (1990 ): Substrate excavation in the Namibian web - footed gecko, Palmatogecko rangei, and its ecological significance - Trop. Zool., Firenze, 3: 197 - 207
Viele Grüße und schönes Wochenende
[[ggg]Editiert von Sebastian Schenk am 13-01-2006 um 17:53 GMT[/ggg]]
[[ggg]Editiert von Sebastian Schenk am 13-01-2006 um 18:30 GMT[/ggg]]