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  • Reptilienmedizin

    studiere Veterinämedizin im 7. Semester und bin schon seit längerem auf der Suche nach passender Literatur zur Reptilienmedizin. Besitze bereits das Buch von Köhler, Tierärztliche Heimtierpraxis 3, Reptilien und den Zwart (beeinhaltet einige Kapitel zum Thema Reptilien). Das Ultimative ist aber leider noch nicht dabei, hätte gerne etwas Ausführlicheres, insbesondere was die anatomischen Besonderheiten angeht. Wäre für jeden Tipp dankbar, notfalls auch englischsprachige Literatur.

  • #2

    Hallo Pollux 82.

    Wir haben hier jemanden der Dir bestimmt helfen kann. Marc-Niklas-Klingenberg. Marc ist hier bei uns Moderator und hat jetzt eine Kleintierpraxis aufgemacht. Kommt auch aus Hannover und ist jetzt in Winterhude. Geh mal auf diese Seite.

    Gruß Heinz


    • #3
      Teil I:

      Fowler, M., E. 1978. Zoo and wild animal medicine. Philadelphia London Toronto (W.b. Saunders).

      Frye, F. L. 1973. Husbandry, medicine and surgery in captive reptiles. Borner Springs.

      Frye, Frederic L. 1973. Husbandry, Medicine & Surgery in Captive Reptiles. VM Publishing, Bonner Springs, KS.

      Glenn, James L., Richard Straight and C. C. Snyder. 1973. Vermiplex”, an anthelmintic agent for snakes. The Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine. 4 (1):3-7.

      Keeling, Marita. 1975. Bibliography of the Care, Medicine and Surgery of Captive Reptiles.

      Kourany, Miguel, Charles W. Myers and Curt R. Schneider. 1970. Panamanian amphibians and reptiles as carriers of Salmonella. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 19 (4):632-638

      Redisch, R. I. 1978. Repair of a fractured femur in an iguana. Veterinary Medicine /SAC. 73 (12):1547-1548.

      Claessen, H. 1983. Brief instructions on medicines for terrarium-animals. Litteratura serpentium. 3 (1):32-40.

      Frye, Fredric L. 1981. Biomedical and Surgical Aspects of Captive Reptile Husbandry. Veterinary Medicine Publ., Edwardsville, KS.

      Jackson, O. F. 1983. Advances in veterinary medicine for reptiles. Asra Journal. 2 70-80.

      Marcus, Leonard C. 1981. Veterinary Biology and Medicine of Captive Amphibians and Reptiles. Lee & Febiger, Philadelphia.

      Marcus, L.C. 1981. Veterinary biology and medicine of captive amphibians and reptiles. Lea and Febiger, 239.

      Rosskopf, W., J, R. and, W. and Woerpel. 1982. The use of hematologic testing in diagnostic medicine: An introduction. Chelonian Documentation Center Newsletter. 1 (2):30-34.

      AHNE, W., W.J. NEUBERT and I. THOMSEN. 1987. Reptilian viruses: Isolation of Myxovirus-like particles from the snake Elaphe oxycephala. Journal Veterinary Medicine B. 34 607-612.

      Burke, T. 1986. Reptile anesthesia. pp. 153-155. In M.E. J.FOWLER (eds.) Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

      Fagella, A. M. and M. R. Raffe. 1987. The use of isoflurane anesthesia in a water monitor lizard and a rhino iguana. Comp. Anim. Pract. (Exotic. medicine). 1 (2):52-53.

      Haywood, Anne M. 1986. Patterns of persistent viral infections. New England Journal of Medicine. 315 (15):939-948.

      Ippen, R. 1987. Pathology survey of reptiles and amphibians. Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Zoological and avian medicine. 479-480.

      Jacobson, E.R. 1988. Use of chemotherapeutics in reptile medicine. pp. 35-48. In E.R. Jacobson, Kollias, G.V. Jr (eds.) Exotic Animals. Curchill Livingstone, New York.

      Kollias, G.V. 1987. Diagnosis and therapeutic approaches to common problems of snakes and tortoises. Proc. Int. Conf. Zoological and Avian Medicine. 377-378.

      Lutterberg, H. 1987. Radiologic anatomy of madagascan phelsuma spp. - Comparison to techniques in use in human medicine Röntgenanatomie madagassischer Phelsuma-Arten - Vergleiche mit Aufnahmen aus der Humanmedizin. Elaphe. 9 (2):24-26.

      Behlert, O. and H. Jes. 1991. Experiences with individual marking of reptiles with the aid of the electronic indentification system EURO i.D. 4th Int. Colloq. on pathology and medicine of reptiles and amphibians. Bad Nauheim 27.-29.1991 Publ. German veterinary Association. 328-330.

      Bennett, R. Avery. 1991. A review of anesthesia and chemical restraint in reptiles. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 22 (3):282-303.

      Boivin, G. P. and E. Stauber. 1990. Nutritional osteodystrophy in iguanas. Canine Pract - exotic medicine. 1990 (1):37-40.

      Boyer, T. 1991. Association of Amphibian and Reptilian Veterinarians. Canadian Veterinary Journal - Revue Veterinaire Canadienne. 32 (8):453.

      Bursey, C.R., Goldberg, S.R.,. 1991. Monthly Prevalences of Physaloptera retusa in Naturally Infected Yarrow's Spiny Lizard. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 27 (4):710-715.

      FITGERALD, S.D. and e.a. 1990. A caudal coiling syndrome associated with lymphocytic epaxial perineuritis in newborn boa constrictors. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 21 (4):485-489.

      Frye, F.L. and et al. 1992. Use of a condom as an occlusive bandage in snakes. A new wrinkle on an old resource. J. of Small Exotic Animal Medicine. 2 (1):13-14.

      Gabrisch, Karl, Bernd Schildger and Perneel Zwart. 1991. 4th International Colloquim on Pathology and Medicine of Reptiles and Amphibians. Deutsche Veterinärmedizinishce Gesellschaft e.V., Giessen, Germany, 330.

      HILF, M., R.A. WAGNER and V.L. YU. 1990. A prospective study of upper airway flora in healthy boid snakes and snakes with pneumonia. J. Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 21 (3):318-325.

      Kalvig, B.A. and e.a. 1992. Salmonellosis in laboratory-housed iguanid lizards (Sceloporus spp.). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 23 (1):128.

      Norton, T.M. and et al. 1991. Clinical challenge: Treatment of osteomyelitis in a green iguana (Iguana iguana). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 22 (2):259-260.

      Page, C.D., M. Mautino, H. Derendorf and W. Mechlinski. 1991. Mulitple-dose pharmacokinetics of ketoconazole administered orally to Gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 22 (2):191-198.

      Rostal, David C., Todd R. Robeck, David W. Owens and Duane C. Kraemer. 1990. Ultrasound imaging of ovaries and eggs in Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles (Lepidochelys kempi). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 21 (1):27-35.

      Rübel, G. Alexander, Ewald Isenbügel and Pim Wolverkamp. 1991. Atlas der Röntegendiagnostik bei Heimtieren: Kleinsäuger, Vogel, Reptilien und Amphibien. Schluutersche, Hannover.

      Ahne, W. 1993. Viruses of Chelonia. J Vet Med B Zbl Vet B Infect. 40 (1):35-45.

      CRAWSHAW, G.J. 1993. Amphibian medicine. FOWLER, M.E. (Ed) Zoo & Wild Animal Medicine. (Saunders Cie, Philadelphia):131-139.

      Done, Lisa B., Cynthia L. Willard-Mack, Gaye Ruble and Michael Cranfield. 1993. Diagnostic exercise: Ulcerative dermatitis and cellulitis in American toads. Laboratory Animal Science. 43 (6):619-621.

      Jacobson, Elliott R. 1993. Implications of infectious diseases for captive propagation and introduction programs of threatened/endangered reptiles. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 24 (3):245-255.

      Mader, D. 1993. Cryptosporidiosis in reptiles. J. of Small Exotic Animal Medicine. 2 (3):141-142.

      Mautino, M. and C.D. Page. 1993. Biology and Medicine of Turtles and Tortoises. Vet Clin N Amer-Small Anim. 23 (6):1251-1270.

      Wissman, M.A. and et al. 1993. Dermatophytosis of green iguanas (Iguana iguana). J. of Small Exotic Animal Medicine. 2 (3):137-140.

      Abou-Madi, Noha, Elliott R. Jacobson, Claus D. Buergelt, Juergen Schumacher and Bruce H. Williams. 1994. Disseminated undifferentiated sarcoma in an Indian rock python (Python molurus molurus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):143-149.

      Bartholomew, Breck. 1994. Calculating the proper dosage of medicine for reptiles. Intermontanus. 3 (6):41-42.

      Bennett, R. Avery. 1994. Fracture management in reptiles. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine. 3 (2):108-112.

      Bennett, Albert F. 1994. Exercise performance of reptiles. Advances in Veterinary Science and Comparative Medicine. 38B 113-138.

      Calle, P.P., J. Rivas, M. Munoz, J. Thorbjarnarson, E.S. Dierenfeld, W. Holmstrom, W.E. Braselton and W.B. Karesh. 1994. Health Assessment of Free-Ranging Anacondas (Eunectes murinus) in Venezuela. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):53-62.

      Clyde, V.L., P.T. Cardeilhac and E.R. Jacobson. 1994. Chemical Restraint of American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) with Atracurium or Tiletamine-Zolazepam. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (4):525-530.

      Cooper, J.E. 1994. Biopsy Techniques. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine. 3 (3):161-165.

      Drew, M.L. 1994. Hypercalcemia and Hyperphosphatemia in Indigo Snakes (Drymarchon corais) and Serum Biochemical Reference Values. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):48-52.

      Frye, F.L., R.J. Munn, M. Gardner, S.L. Barten and L.B. Hadfy. 1994. Adenovirus-Like Hepatitis in a Group of Related Rankins Dragon Lizards (Pogona henrylawsoni). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):167-171.

      Garner, M., C. Johnson and R. Funk. 1994. Liposarcoma in a Shingleback Skink (Trachydosaurus rugosus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):150-153.

      Grenard, Steve. 1994. Herpetology & medicine: treatment of venomous snakebite. Herp News Today. 1994 (November):10-11.

      Heatonjones, T.G. and R.R. King. 1994. Characterization of the Electrocardiogram of the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):40-47.

      Holz, P. and R.M. Holz. 1994. Evaluation of Ketamine, Ketamine Xylazine, and Ketamine Midazolam Anesthesia in Red-Eared Sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (4):531-537.

      Jacobson, Elliott R., Juergen Schumacher, Sam R. Telford, Jr, Ellis C. Greiner, Claus D. Buergelt and Chris H. Gardiner. 1994. Intranuclear coccidiosis in radiated tortoises (Geochelone radiata). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):95-102.

      Jacobson, Elliott R., Thomas J. Wronski, Juergen Schumacher, Carlos Reggiardo and Kristin H. Berry. 1994. Cutaneous dyskeratosis in free-ranging desert tortoises, Gopherus agassizii, in the Colorado desert of Southern California. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):68-81.

      Jacobson, Elliott R. 1994. Causes of mortality and diseases in tortoises: A review. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):2-17.

      Jacobson, Elliott R., Juergen Schumacher, Sam R. Telford, Jr, Ellis C. Greiner, Claus D. Buergelt and Chris H. Gardiner. 1994. Intranuclear coccidiosis in radiated tortoises (Geochelone radiata). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):95-102.

      Klingenberg, R.J. 1994. Basic Principles Of Therapeutics Used In Reptile Medicine. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians and Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians Annual Conference, Proceedings. 18-26.


      • #4
        Teil II:

        Mader, Douglas R. 1994. Reptile medicine: Mouth rot. Reptiles. 1 (3):24-27. treatment prevention symptoms causes

        Mader, D.R. 1994. Diagnostic Techniques In Reptile Medicine. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians and Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians Annual Conference, Proceedings. 27-33.

        Martin, J. C., S. H. Schelling and M. A. Pokras. 1994. Gastric adenocarcinoma in a Florida indigo snake (Drymarchon corais Couperi). J Zoo Wildlife Med. 25 (1):133-137.

        Oyewale, J.O. 1994. Further Studies on Osmotic Resistance of Nucleated Erythrocytes - Observations with Pigeon, Peafowl, Lizard and Toad Erythrocytes During Changes in Temperature and pH. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A - Zentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin Reihe A - Physiology Pathology Clinical Medicine. 41 (1):62-71.

        Poynton, S.L. and B.R. Whitaker. 1994. Protozoa in Poison Dart Frogs (Dendrobatidae) - Clinical Assessment and Identification. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):29-39.

        Prezant, Ross M., Ramiro Isaza and Elliott R. Jacobson. 1994. Plasma concentrations and disposition kinetics of enrofloxacin in gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):82-87.

        Raphael, B.L., M.W. Klemens, P. Moehlman, E. Dierenfeld and W.B. Karesh. 1994. Blood Values in Free-Ranging Pancake Tortoises (Malacochersus tornieri). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):63-67.

        Raphael, B.L., M. Papich and R.A. Cook. 1994. Pharmacokinetics of Enrofloxacin After a Single Intramuscular Injection in Indian Star Tortoises (Geochelone elegans). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):88-94.

        Raphael, B.L. and et. al. 1994. Blood values in Free-Ranging Pancake Tortoises, (Malacochersus tornieri). J. of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1): ?

        Reidarson, T.H., C.A. Jantsch and S.M. Gendron. 1994. Medical Treatment for Multiple Foreign Objects in a Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):158-160.

        Rubel, A., W. Kuoni and N. Augustiny. 1994. Emerging Techniques - CT Scan and MRI in Reptile Medicine. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine. 3 (3):156-160.

        Schildger, B.J., M. Casares, M. Kramer, H. Sporle, M. Gerwing, A. Rubel, H. Tenho and T. Gobel. 1994. Technique of ultrasonography in lizards, snakes, and chelonians. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine. 3 (3):147-155.

        Schumacher, J., E.R. Jacobson, B.L. Homer and J.M. Gaskin. 1994. Inclusion Body Disease in Boid Snakes. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (4):511-524.

        Veazey, R.S., T.B. Stewart and T.G. Snider. 1994. Ureteritis and Nephritis in a Burmese Python (Python molurus bivitattus) Due to Strongyloides Sp Infection. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):119-122.

        Willettefrahm, M. and R.E. Miller. 1994. Reptile and Amphibian Medicine. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):1.

        Williams, D.L. and B.R. Whitaker. 1994. The Amphibian Eye - A Clinical Review. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):18-28.

        Wozniak, E.J., G.L. Mclaughlin and S.R. Telford. 1994. Description of the Vertebrate Stages of a Hemogregarine Species Naturally Infecting Mojave Desert Sidewinders (Crotalus cerastes cerastes). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (1):103-110.

        Wozniak, E.J., S.R. Telford and G.L. Mclaughlin. 1994. Employment of the Polymerase Chain Reaction in the Molecular Differentiation of Reptilian Hemogregarines and Its Application to Preventative Zoological Medicine. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 25 (4):538-547.

        Ackermann, J. and J.W. Carpenter. 1995. Using endoscopy to remove a gastric foreign body in a python. Veterinary Medicine. 90 (8):761-763.

        Adams, Henry P. and Elliott Jacobson, R. 1995. Upper respiratory tract disease in the desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii. Herpetopathologia. Proc. 5th int. symp. Pathol. Rept. Amphib. Alphen a.d. Rijn, 31-3-02-04. 11.

        Anonymous. 1995. Kikkerslijm als medicijn [Can hunter magic help to treat brain diseases - Frog mucus as a medicine. Terra. 31 (1):23.

        Blahak, S. 1995. Isolation and characterization of paramyxoviruses from snakes and their relationship to avian paramyxoviruses. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B - Zentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin Reihe B - Infectious Diseases and Veterinary Public Health. 42 (4):216-224.

        Cooper, John E. 1995. The role of cytology in the diagnosis and investigation of disease. Proc. 5th int. symp. Pathol. Rept. Amphib. Alphen a.d. Rijn, 31-3-02-04 1995. 49.

        Costanzo, Jon P., Richard E. Lee, Jr, Arthur L. DeVries, Tingchung Wang and Jack R. Layne, Jr. 1995. Survival mechanisms of vertebrate ectotherms at subfreezing temperatures: applications in cryomedicine. FASEB J. 9 351-352.

        de Silva, Anslem. 1995. An introduction to the herpetofauna of Sri Lanka, part 2: Historical aspects. Lyriocephalus. 2 (1-2):3-16

        de Silva, Anslem. 1995. The reptiles of Sri Lanka, a checklist and common names part 1: Testudines, Crocodylia and Lacertilia. Lyriocephalus. 2 (1-2):25-33.

        de Silva, Anslem. 1995. Research needs and management of the herpetofauna of Sri Lanka: a national conservation strategy. Lyriocephalus. 2 (1-2):66-68.

        de Silva, Anslem and Panduka de Silva. 1995. Some observations on Kaloula taprobanica(Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae) in Sri Lanka. Lyriocephalus. 2 (1-2):48-51, 1 plate.

        Dillberger, John. 1995. Veterinary medicine and the herpetologists; work together for a healthy relationship. Iowa Herpetological Society News. 18 (6):3-4.

        Do, Tat Loi. 1995. Nhung Cay Thuoc Va Vi Thuoc Viet Nam. Nha Xuat Ban Khoa Hoc Va Ky Thuat, Ho Chi Minh, 1485.

        Frye, Fredric L. and David L. Williams. 1995. Self-Assessment Color Review of Reptiles and Amphibians. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA, 192.

        Graczyk, T.K., M.R. Cranfield and R. Fayer. 1995. A comparative assessment of direct fluorescence antibody, modified acid-fast stain, and sucrose flotation techniques for detection of Cryptosporidium serpentis oocysts in snake fecal specimens. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 26 (3):396-402.

        Greckhamer, Alexander. 1995. Schwanzanomalien bei geckos der gattung Phelsuma Gray, 1825 (Squamata: Sauria: Gekkonidae) [Tail anomalies in geckos of the genus Phelsuma Gray, 1825 (Squamata: Sauria: Gekkonidae)]. Herpetozoa. 8 (1/2):35-42.

        Grenard, Steve. 1995. Herpetology & Medicine. Same snake: different venoms. Herp News Today. 1995 (March):8-9.

        Herdt, P. de, L. Devriese, P. de Laender, R. Ducatelle and F. Haesebrouck. 1995. A review of bacterial diseases diagnosed in captive reptiles in Belgium in1994. Proc. 5th int. symp. Pathol. Rept. Amphib. Alphen a.d. Rijn, 31-3-02-04. 41-43.

        Jacobson, Elliott R. , Bruce L. Homer and Henry P. Adams. 1995. Transmission studies with an ophidian paramyxovirus in Aruba island rattlesnakes, Crotanus unicolor. Proc. 5th int. symp. Pathol. Rept. Amphib. Alphen a.d. Rijn, 31-3-02-04. 9.

        Kik, M.J.L. 1995. Diseases of chameleons. Proc. 5th int. symp. Pathol. Rept. Amphib. Alphen a.d. Rijn, 31-3-02-04. 191-196.

        Malley, A. D. 1995. A practitioners approach to reptile medicine and surgery. 2nd Eur. Congress Federat. Europ Companion Animal Veterin. Ass. Brussels 27-29 Oct. 217-223.

        Martin, Howard D. 1995. Diagnostic techniques in reptile medicine. Queensland Reptile and Amphibian Club. 1995 (28):19-28.

        Messonnier, Shawn. 1995. Current controversies in reptile medicine-green iguanas. Reptile & Amphibian Magazine. 1995 (Nov.Dec.):48-57.

        Oppenheim, Y.C. and P.F. Moon. 1995. Sedative effects of midazolam in red-eared slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 26 (3):409-413.

        Pieau, C., M. Girondot, G. Desvages, M. Dorizzi, N. Richard-Mercier and P. Zaborski. 1995. Temperature variation and sex determination in reptilia. Experimental Medicine, Japan. 13 516-523.

        Ramachandran, S. 1995. Electroencephalographic abnormalities in patients with snake bites. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 52 (1):25-28.

        Schumacher, Juergen, Lawrence Herbst and Elliott R. Jacobson. 1995. Spinal cord injuries in marine turtles. Proc. 5th int. symp. Pathol. Rept. Amphib. Alphen a.d. Rijn, 31-3-02-04. 231-.

        Sturm, P. 1995. Calcinosis cutis in chelonia due to chronic renal failure. Proc. 5th int. symp. Pathol. Rept. Amphib. Alphen a.d. Rijn, 31-3-02-04. 173-175.

        Vanatta, J.C., I.H. Alhashimi and L.W. Frazier. 1995. Histological changes in the skin of Rana pipiens produced by either KCl loading or fasting. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 208 (4):385-390.

        Walker, Bryan. 1995. Starting research in herpetology. Lyriocephalus. 2 (1-2):93.

        Warrell, David A. 1995. Attitudes to snake bite and reptile conservation. Lyriocephalus. 2 (1-2):87.

        Zwart, P. 1995. Abnormalities of the shell of eggs in reptiles. Proc. 5th int. symp. Pathol. Rept. Amphib. Alphen a.d. Rijn, 31-3-02-04. 233-238.

        Anderson, N.L., J. Williams, J.E. Sagartz and R. Barnewall. 1996. Ovarian teratoma in a green iguana (Iguana iguana). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 27 (1):90-95.

        Balsai, Michael J. 1996. Book Review: Reptile Medicine and Surgery. Reptile & Amphibian Magazine. 1996 (Holiday):49-52.

        Deshaw, B., A. Schoenfeld, R.A. Cook and N. Haramati. 1996. Imaging of reptiles: A comparison study of various radiographic techniques. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 27 (3):364-370.

        Eggenschwiler-Leu, Ursula. 1996. Die Landschildkröten in der tierärztlichen Praxis: Informationen für den Praktiker [Tortoises in the Veterinary Practice: Information for the Practitioner]. Ursula Eggenschwiler, Siblinger, Germany, 73.

        Göbel, T. 1996. Clinical Use of Fluoroquinolones in Exotic Animals and small Mammal. Suppl.1. Compend Contin Edue Pract Vet. 18 (2):49 -.

        Graczyk, T.K., M.R. Cranfield, E.J. Bicknese and A.P. Wisnieski. 1996. Progressive ulcerative dermatitis in a captive, wild-caught, South American giant tree frog (Phyllomeduca bicolor) with microsporidial septicemia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 27 (4):522-527.

        Kock, M. D. 1996. Wildlife, people and development: veterinary contributions to wildlife health and resource management in Africa. Trop Anim Health Prod. 28 (1):68-80.

        Mader, Douglas R. 1996. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, xx, 512, 4 plates.

        Mader, D.R. 1996. Reproductive surgery in the green iguana. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine. 5 (4):214-221.

        McArthur, Stuart. 1996. Veterinary Management of Tortoises and Turtles. Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK, vi + 170.

        Minton, S. A. 1996. Bites by non-native venomous snakes in the United States. Wilderness and Environment Medicine. 4 297-303.

        Morris, P.J. and A.C. Alberts. 1996. Determination of sex in white-throated monitors (Varanus albigularis), gila monsters (Heloderma suspectum), and bearded lizards (H. horridum) using two-dimensional ultrasound imaging. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 27 (3):371-377.

        Mushonga, B. and A. Horowitz. 1996. Serous cavities of the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 27 (2):170-179.

        Romagnano, A., E.R. Jacobson, G.D. Boon, A. Broeder, L. Ivan and B.L. Homer. 1996. Lymphosarcoma in a green iguana (Iguana iguana). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 27 (1):83-89.

        Schumacher, J., R. Papendick, L. Herbst and E.R. Jacobson. 1996. Volvulus of the proximal colon in a Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 27 (3):386-391.

        Taylor, S.K., S.B. Citino, J.M. Zdziarski and R.M. Bush. 1996. Radiographic anatomy and barium sulfate transit time of the gastrointestinal; Tract of the leopard tortoise (Testudo pardalis). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 27 (2):180-186.

        Voprsalek, T. and J. Simunek. 1996. Vitamin A deficiency in tortoises. Tierarztliche Umschau. 51 (11):711.

        Anderson, N.L., R.F. Wack and R. Hatcher. 1997. Hematology and clinical chemistry reference ranges for clinically normal, captive new guinea snapping turtle (Elseya novaeguineae) and the effects of temperature, sex, and sample type. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 28 (4):394-403.

        Borkowski, R. 1997. Lead poisoning and intestinal perforations in a snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) due to fishing gear ingestion. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 28 (1):109-113.

        Borkowski, R. 1997. Lead poisoning and intestinal performations in a snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) due to fishing gear ingestion. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 28 (1):109-113.

        Casares, M., A. Rubel and R.E. Honegger. 1997. Observations on the female reproductive cycle of captive giant tortoises (Geochelone spp.) using ultrasound scanning. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 28 (3):267-273.

        Cathers, T., G.A. Lewbart, M. Correa and J.B. Stevens. 1997. Serum chemistry and hematology values for anesthetized American bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 28 (2):171-174.

        de Silva, Anslem. 1997. Calotes calotes (Linnaeus, 1758) (Reptilia: Agamidae) feeding on Merremia angustifolia Flowers. Lyriocephalus. 3 (1):36. [Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka]

        Gamble, K.C., T.P. Alvarado and C.L. Bennett. 1997. Itraconazole plasma and tissue concentrations in the spiny lizard (Sceloporus sp.) following once-daily dosing. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 28 (1):89-93.

        Gregory, C.R., B.G. Harmon, K.S. Latimer, S. Hafner, R.P. Campagnoli, R.M. Mcmanamon and W.L. Steffens. 1997. Malignant chromatophoroma in a canebrake rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus atricaudatus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 28 (2):198-203.

        Heatonjones, T.G., B.L. Homer, D.L. Heatonjones and S.F. Sundlof. 1997. Mercury distribution in American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) in Florida. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 28 (1):62-70.


        • #5
          Teil III:

          Holz, P., I.K. Barker, G.J. Crawshaw and H. Dobson. 1997. The anatomy and perfusion of the renal portal system in the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 28 (4):378-385.

          Holz, P., I.K. Barker, J.P. Burger, G.J. Crawshaw and P.D. Conlon. 1997. The effect of the renal portal system on pharmacokinetic parameters in the red-fared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 28 (4):386-393.

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          Wright, Kevin M. and Brent R Whitaker. 2001. Amphibian Medicine and Captive Husbandry. Krieger, malabar, FL, xxvi, 499 p., 44 plates.


          • #6
            definitiv eine beeindruckende Literaturliste (hab sie schon kopiert).
            Für den Anfang im Studium lesenswert: Mader: reptile medicine and surgery und BSAVA Reptile medicine.


            • #7
              und demnächst neu und nach allem was ich davon weiß, auch sehr gut: Reptilienmedizin von Birgit Rüschoff aus Hamburg.

