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Literatur über Blauzungenskinke

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  • Literatur über Blauzungenskinke

    Da wir ja nun Halter von Blauzungenskinken Tiliqua spp. sind, interessieren wir uns nun auch für weiterführende Literatur.
    Das Buch "Blauzungenskinke" aus dem NTV Verlag haben wir schon längere Zeit!
    Gibt es sonst noch gute Lektüre über vornehmlich indonesische Blauzungenskinke?

  • #2
    Die nachfolgenden Quellen bieten einen angemessenen Anfangspunkt:

    Arena, P.C., Richardson K.C. and Cullen L.K. 1988. Anaesthesia in two species of large Australian skink. Vet.Rec. 123 (6):155-158.

    Atkins, Natalia, Susan M. Jones and Ashley Edwards. 2002. Fecal testosterone concentrations may not be useful for monitorng reproductive status in male Blue-Tongued lizards (Tiliqua nigrolutea: Scincidae). Journal of Herpetology. 36 (1):106-109.

    Bartlett, R. D. 1994. Notes on the captive reproduction of the Australiam skink, Tiliqua nigrolutea. pp. 55-58. In Simon Townson (eds.) Breeding Reptiles & Amphibians. British Herpetological Society, London.

    Brisbane, Karen. 1994. Deformities in blotched blue-tongue lizards Tiliqua nigrolutea after presumed dichlorvis (pest strip) poisoning. Monitor: Bulletin of the Victorian Herpetological Society Inc. 6 (2):55-57.

    Broaddus, Jane. 1994. Blue-toungued skinks: Tiliqua. Reptile & Amphibian magazine. (March/April):32-39.

    Bull, C. M., M. Doherty, L. R. Schulze and Y. Pamula. 1994. Recognition of offspring by females of the Australian skink, Tiliqua rugosa. Journal of Herpetology. 28 (1):117-102.

    Card, Winston. 1994. Natural history and husbandry of the shingleback skink (Trachydosaurus rugosus) and the blotched blue-tounged skink (Tiliqua nigrolutea). Vivarium. 6 (3):26-29.

    Carpenter, C. C. and J. B. Murphy. 1978. Tongue display by the common bluetongue (Tiliqua scincoides) Reptilia, Lacertilia, Scincidae. Journal of Herpetology. 12 (3):428-429.

    Gross, Rosita. 2001. Erfolgreiche Nachzucht von Tannenzapfenechsen (Tiliqua rugosa Gray, 1845) nach dem europäischen Rhythmus. Elaphe. 9 (3):15-18.

    Hammond, Daniel. 1994. Blue tongued lizard. Queensland Reptile and Amphibian Club. 1994 (15):38-48.

    Hazell, S.L. 1985. Progressive digital necrosis in the eastern blue-tongued skink (Tiliqua scincoides Shaw). J. Wildl. Dis. 21 186-188.

    Herrmann, Jan-Matthias. 1997. Haltung und Nachzucht des Schneckenskinks Tiliqua gerrardii. Elaphe. 5 (3):16-18.

    Hitz, Robert. 2001. Neuigkeiten in der Gattung Tiliqua (Echte Blauzungenskinke). Elaphe. 9 (2):61-64.

    Hobden, Cliff. 2001. Nocturnal activity of a diurnal skink, the Eastern Blue-tongue (Tiliqua scincoides). Herpetofauna. 31 (2):136-137.

    Hutchinson, Mark. 1994. Adelaide pygmy bluetongue. Queensland Reptile and Amphibian Club. 1994 (15):32.

    Jones, H.I. 1992. Gastrointestinal Nematodes in the Lizard Genera Tiliqua and Cyclodomorphus (Scincidae) in Western-Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology. 40 (2):115-126.

    Kreger, M.D. and J.A. Mench. 1993. Physiological and Behavioral Effects of Handling and Restraint in the Ball Python (Python regius) and the Blue-Tongued Skink (Tiliqua scincoides). Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 38 (3-4):323-336.

    LeBreton, Matthew. 1990. Reproductive notes on the eastern blue-tongue lizard Tiliqua scincoides (White 1790). Herpetofauna. 20 (1):30-32.

    Roberts, Bryan. 1983/1984. Predation of the Mediterranean beetle Blaps polychresta by the western bluetongue lizard Tiliqua occipitalis. Herpetofauna. 15 (1-2):50.

    Shea, Glenn M. 1990. The genera Tiliqua and Cyclodomorphus (Lacretilia: Scincidae): generic diagnoses and systematic relationships. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. 29 (2):495-519.

    Shea, Glenn M. 1993. The male reproductive cycle of the Eastern blue-tongued lizard Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (Squamata: Scincidae). pp. 397-403. In Daniel Lunney and Danielle Ayers (eds.) Herpetology in Australia: A Diverse Discipline. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman, Australia.

    Shea, Glenn M. 1993. The anatomist john Hunter (1728-1793), the Eastern Bluetongue Skink Tiliqua scincoides (Squamata: Scincidae) and the discovery of herbivory in skinks. Archives of Natural History. 20 (3):303-306.

    Smith, Tamara L., Kenneth V. Kardong and Vincent L. Bels. 1999. Prey capture behavior in the blue-tongued skink, Tiliqua scincoides. Journal of Herpetology. 33 (3):362-369.

    Turner, Grant. 1996. Some litters of the eastern blue-tongued skink Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (Scincidae). Herpetofauna. 26 (2):39-47.

    Walker, Harry. 1994. The care and breeding of pink-tongue skinks, Tiliqua gerrardi. Herptile. 19 (4):148-150.

    Watharow, Simon and Angela Reid. 2002. The introduced snake mite Ophionyssus natricis on wild populations of Eastern Blue Tongue Lizards (Tiliqua scincoides). Herpetofauna. 32 (1):26-29.

    Webb, G. A. and J. A. Simpson. 1984/1985. Some unusual food items for the southern blotched blue-tongue lizard Tiliqua nigrolutea (Quoy and Gaimard) at Bombala, New South Wales. Herpetofauna. 16 (1-2):44-49.

    Weis, Peter. 1995. Blue-tongued skinks. Reptiles. 2 (4):16-23.

    Weis, Peter. 1995. The care of the Australian blue-tongued skinks, genus Tiliqua. Scottish Herpetological Society Newsletter. 1995 (June):5-8.

    Weiss, Peter. 1995. The care of the Australian blue-tongued skinks. NTHS News. 13 (2):7-8.

