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    Andrén, C., Nilson, G. (1979): Vipera latifii (Reptilia, Serpentes, Viperidae) an Endangered viper from Lar Valley, and Remarks on the Sympatric Herpetofauna. - Journal of Herpetology 13 (3): 335-345

    Bauer, A.M. (1992): Herpetofauna of the Kamanjab District and adjacent Damaraland, Namibia. J. Herp. Assoc. Afr., 40: 37

    Bauer, A.M. (2000): Comments on the types and type localities of South African reptiles collected by Heinrich Bergius and Ludwig Krebs. Afr. J. Herp., 49(1): 52-60

    Campbell, J.A. & D.P. Lawson (1992): Hyla bocourti(Mocquard, 1899), a valid species of frog(Anura: Hylidae) from Guatemala. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 105(2): 393-399

    Dowling, H.G. & J.M. Savage (1960): A guide to the snake hemipenis: a survey of basic structure and systematics. Zoologica. NY. 45(1): 17-28

    Frommhold, E. (1956): Giftschlangen im Zimmerterrarium. Aquar. Terr., 3 (3): 82-84

    Gumprecht, A. (1999): Trimeresurus trigonocephalus (Latreille). Sauria, Suppl., 21 (3): 461-466

    Jungnickel, J. (2005): Die Haltung und Nachzucht der Rauhnackigen Todesotter Acanthophis rugosus Loveridge, 1948. Sauria, 27(1): 9-13

    Klemmer, K. (1968): Methods of Classification of Venomous Snakes. In: Bücherl, W., Buckley, E. E., Deulofeu, V.: Venomous animals and their venoms. Vol. I: Venomous Vertebrates: 275-283

    Klemmer, K. (1968): Classification and distribution of European, North African and West asian venomous Snakes. In: Bücherl, W., Buckley, E. E., Deulofeu, V.: Venomous animals and their venoms. Vol. I: Venomous Vertebrates: 309-325

    Koch, C., P.J. Venegas & W. Boehme (2006): A remarkable discovery: description of a big-growing new gecko (Squamata: Gekkonidae: Phyllopezus) from northwestern Peru. Salamandra, 42(2/3): 145-150

    Lawson, D.P. (2000): A new caecilian From Cameroon, Africa(Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Scolecomorphidae). Herpetologica, 56(1): 77-80

    Lawson, D.P. (2000): Local harvest of Hingeback tortoises, Kinixys erosa and K. homeana, in Southwestern Cameroon. Internat. J. Turt. Tort. Res., 3(4):722-729

    Lawson, D.P. (2004): Python sebae(African Rock Python). Habitat use and home range. Herp. Rev., 35(2): 180-181

    Lehr, E. & C. Aguilar (2002): A new species of Phrynopus (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae) from the puna of Maraypata (Departamento de Huanuco, Peru). Zool. Abh. 52: 57-64 2x

    Lehr, E., D. Rodriguez & J.H. Cordova (2002): A new species of Phrynopus (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae) from the Cordillera de Carpish (Departamento de Huanuco, Peru). Zool. Abh., 52: 65-70

    Lehr, E., C. Aguilar & J.H. Cordova (2002): Morphological and ecological remarks on Phrynopus kauneorum (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae). Zool. Abh., 52: 71-75

    Lehr, E. C. Aguilar & M. Lundberg (2004): A new species of Phyllonastes from Peru (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae). J. Herpetol., 38(2): 214-218

    Lehr, E. & C. Aguilar (2003): A new species of Phrynopus (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae) from the puna of Maraypata (Departamento de Huanuco, Peru). Zool. Abh., 53: 87-92

    Lehr, E. , J.B. Pramuk & M. Lundberg (2005): A new species of Bufo (Anura: Bufonidae) from Andean Peru. Herpetologica, 61(3): 308-318

    Lenk, P., H.-W. Herrmann, U. Jogre & M. Wink (1999): Phylogeny and Taxonomic Subdivision of Bitis(Reptilia: Viperidae) Based on Molecular Evidence. Kaupia, 8: 31-38

    Leviton, A.E. (1963): Contributions to a Review of Philippine Snakes, III The Genera Maticora and Calliophis. Phill. J. Sci., 92(4): 523-550

    Loveridge, A. (1951): Synopsis of the African green snakes (Philothamnus inc. chlorophis) with the description of a new form. Bull. Inst. roy. Sci. nat. Belgique, 27(37): 1-12

    Loveridge, A. (1953): Zoological results of a fifth expeditionto East Africa. IV: Amphibians from Nyasaland and Tete. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool., Harvard, 110(4): 325-406

    Loveridge, A. (1953): Zoological results of a fifth expeditionto East Africa. VII: Itinerary and conclusions. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool., Harvard, 110(7): 447-487

    Loveridge, A. (1958): Revision of five African snake genera. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvar, 119(1): 1-198

    Marx, H. & G.B. Rabb (1970): Character analysis: an empirical approach applied to advanced snakes. J. Zool., 161: 525-548

    Mebs, D., U. Kuch, H.-W. Herrmann & T. Ziegler (2003): Biochemical and biological activities of the venom of a new species of pitviper from Vietnam, Triceratolepidophis sieversorum. Toxicon, 41: 139-143

    Mertens, R (1968):Über Reptilienbastarde. IV*). Senckenbergiana Biologica, 49(1): 1-12

    Murphy, J.B. & B. L. Armstrong (1987): Maintenance of Rattlesnakes in Captivity

    Narins, P.M., E.R. Lewis, A.P. Purgue, P.J. Bishop, L.R. Minter & D.P. Lawson(2001): Functional consequences of novel middle ear adaptation in the Central African frog Petropedetes parkeri(Ranidae). J. Exp. Biol., 204: 1223- 1232 Sonderdruck

    Nilson, G. & C. Andrén (2001): The meadow and steppe vipers of Europe and Asia - the Vipera (Acridophaga) ursinii complex. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung., 47(2-3): 87-267

    Parker, M.V. (1927): Snake Collecting, Venomous Snakes, and Treatment of Snake Bite. J. Tennessee. Acad. Sci., 12(2): 169178

    Queiroz, K., L. Buckley & M. Kearney (2004): Snake relationships and ambiguous data. Herp. Rev., 35 (2): 117-121

    Rasmussen, J.B. (1981): The snakes from the rainforest of the Usambra Mountains, Tanzania: a checklist and key. Salamandra, 17(3/4): 173-188

    Rasmussen, J.B. (1985): A new species of Crotaphopeltis from East Africa, with remarks on the identity of Dipsas hippocrepis Reinhardt, 1843 (Serpentes: Boiginae). Steenstrupia, 11(4): 113-129

    Sachs, W.B. (1961): Zur Behandlung von Giftschlangenbissen. Münchener Medizische Wochenschrift, 103 (37): 1778-1779

    Sachs, W.B. (1964): Unfälle mit Amphibien und Reptilien. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 106 (20): 952-958

    Schlüpmann, M. & A. Geiger (1999): Rote Liste der gefährdeten Kriechtiere(Reptilia) und Lurche(Amphibia) in Nordrhein-Westfalen. 3. Fassung. LÖBF-Schr.R. 17: 375-404

    Schlüpmann, M. & A. Geiger (2002): Kreuzottern(Vipera berus) im Süderbergland und angrenzenden Naturräumen? Zeitschr. Feldherp., 9: 143-168

    Schuster, M. (1984): Über mögliche Infrarot-Wahrnehmung bei Chamaeleo jacksonii. Herpetofauna, 30: 30-33

    Sochurek, E. (1972): Zur Verbreitung und Systematik europäischer Giftschlangen. - Vivarium, Wien 2: 33-36

    Stemmler-Gyger, O. (1964): Avicenna viper, Cerases Vipera (Linnaeus) 1958. Aquaria, 5

    Thomas, E. (1972): Film E 269: Bitis arietans (Viperidae) - Kommentkampf der Männchen. In Wolf, G. : Ecyclopedia Cinematographica (Göttingen), pp. 1-10

    Thomas, E. (1972): Film E 864: Bitis arietans (Viperidae) – Beuteerwerb und Schlingakt. In Wolf, G. : Ecyclopedia Cinematographica (Göttingen), pp. 1-10

    Torres-Carvajal, O., E. Lehr & M. Lundberg (2005): Resurrection of Stenocercus torquatus Boulenger, a spiny-tailed iguanid lizard (squamata: iguania) from Peru. Herpetologica, 61(4): 440-448

    Toschi, A(1946): Occasional Notes: The saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus) in Kenya. J. E. Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc., 19: 134

    Ulber, T.M. (1999) : Sir Andrew Smith’s « Illustrations of Zoology of South Africa » An annotated Table of Contents for the “Reptilia” Volume. Sithsonian. Herp. Inf. Serv., 120:1-17

    Venegas, P.J. (2007): A new species of Eleutherodactylus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the Cordillera Central in Northern Peru. J. Herpetol., 41 (3): 394-400

    Wilms, T. & W. Böhme (2001): Revision der Uromastyx acanthinura – Artengruppe, mit Beschreibung einer neuen Art der Zentralsahara (Reptilia: Sauria: Agamidae). Zool Abh. Mus. Tierkde. Dresden, 51 (8): 73-104

    Ziegler, T. & H.-W- Herrmann(2002): Wiederentdeckung zweier gehörnter Grubenotterarten in Vietnam. ZGAP Mitt., 18(2):24-26

    Ziegler, T., H.-W. Herrmann, P. David, N.L. Orlov & O.S.G. Pauwels(2000): Triceratolepidophis sieversorum, a new genus and species of pitviper(Reptilia: Serpentes: iperidae: Crotalinae) from Vietnam. Russ. J. Herp., 7(3): 199-214

    Ziegler, T., Vences, M., Glaw, F. & W. BÖHME (1997): Remarks on the genital morphology of the Malagasy snake genus Liophidium (Reptilia, Serpentes, Colubridae). - Acta biol. Benrodis, Düsseldorf, 8: 157-159