ich suche folgende Artikel, vielleicht kann mir der eine oder andere weiterhelfen:
Böhme, W. (1975a): A montane chameleon new to Nigeria. – The Nigerian Field, 40: 125-139
Hofer, U., H. Baur & L.-F. Bersier (2003): Ecology of three sympatric species of the genus Chamaeleo in a tropical upland forest in Cameroon. – Journal of Herpetology, 37: 203-207
Jenkins, R.K.B., L.D. Brady, K.Huston, J.L.D. Kauffmann, J. Rabearivony, G. Raveloson & J.M. Rowcliffe (1999): The population status of chameleons within Ranomafana National Park, Madgascar, and recommendations for future monitoring. – Oryx, 33: 38-46
Klaver C., Böhme W. (1992): The species of the Chameleo cristatus group from Cameroon and adjacent countries, West Africa. – Bonner zoologische Beiträge, 43: 433-476
Parcher, S.P. (1974): Observation on the natural histories of six Malagasy Chameleonidae. – Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, 34: 500-523
Pook, C.E. & Wild, C.(1997):The phylogeny of the Chamaeleo (Trioceros) cristatus species-group from Cameroon inferred from direct sequencing of the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA gene: evolutionary and paleobiogeographic implications. – pp. 297-306 in Böhme, W., Bischoff W., Ziegler, T. (eds.) Herpetologia Bonnensis. SHE Proceedings, Bonn
ich suche folgende Artikel, vielleicht kann mir der eine oder andere weiterhelfen:
Böhme, W. (1975a): A montane chameleon new to Nigeria. – The Nigerian Field, 40: 125-139
Hofer, U., H. Baur & L.-F. Bersier (2003): Ecology of three sympatric species of the genus Chamaeleo in a tropical upland forest in Cameroon. – Journal of Herpetology, 37: 203-207
Jenkins, R.K.B., L.D. Brady, K.Huston, J.L.D. Kauffmann, J. Rabearivony, G. Raveloson & J.M. Rowcliffe (1999): The population status of chameleons within Ranomafana National Park, Madgascar, and recommendations for future monitoring. – Oryx, 33: 38-46
Klaver C., Böhme W. (1992): The species of the Chameleo cristatus group from Cameroon and adjacent countries, West Africa. – Bonner zoologische Beiträge, 43: 433-476
Parcher, S.P. (1974): Observation on the natural histories of six Malagasy Chameleonidae. – Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, 34: 500-523
Pook, C.E. & Wild, C.(1997):The phylogeny of the Chamaeleo (Trioceros) cristatus species-group from Cameroon inferred from direct sequencing of the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA gene: evolutionary and paleobiogeographic implications. – pp. 297-306 in Böhme, W., Bischoff W., Ziegler, T. (eds.) Herpetologia Bonnensis. SHE Proceedings, Bonn