Wie das amerikanische Zentrum für Artenvielfalt (Center for biological diversity) mitteilt, wurde die
bisher umfangreichste Petition zum Schutz der bedrohtesten amerikanischen Amphibien und Reptilien eingereicht - unterzeichnet von mehr als 200 namhaften Persönlichkeiten. Es ist damit zu rechnen, dass vieles umgesetzt wird:
200 Scientists: Save Our Reptiles and Amphibians
The largest petition in history to protect amphibians and reptiles was filed by the Center for Biological diversity in July, and now more than 200 scientists have sent a letter of support to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service asking it to immediately review the status of the 53 "herpetofauna" for which we petitioned. Famous scientists like E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy, who first coined the phrase biological diversity -- and who signed our petition -- are putting out the emergency call to rescue these "herp" species, creatures that are disappearing forever at rates as high as 10,000 times the historic average.
Threats from mountaintop-removal coal mining to climate change are taking a devastating toll on these species. Tiny Illinois chorus frogs, for example, are having their semipermeable skin coated in toxins like pesticides, while 100-pound alligator snapping turtles are being collected -- and killed -- faster than they can repopulate their Southeast river homes.
Read our press release, learn about the amphibian and reptile extinction crisis, find the 53 herp species on our interactive map and then share it with your friends on Facebook.
bisher umfangreichste Petition zum Schutz der bedrohtesten amerikanischen Amphibien und Reptilien eingereicht - unterzeichnet von mehr als 200 namhaften Persönlichkeiten. Es ist damit zu rechnen, dass vieles umgesetzt wird:
200 Scientists: Save Our Reptiles and Amphibians
The largest petition in history to protect amphibians and reptiles was filed by the Center for Biological diversity in July, and now more than 200 scientists have sent a letter of support to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service asking it to immediately review the status of the 53 "herpetofauna" for which we petitioned. Famous scientists like E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy, who first coined the phrase biological diversity -- and who signed our petition -- are putting out the emergency call to rescue these "herp" species, creatures that are disappearing forever at rates as high as 10,000 times the historic average.
Threats from mountaintop-removal coal mining to climate change are taking a devastating toll on these species. Tiny Illinois chorus frogs, for example, are having their semipermeable skin coated in toxins like pesticides, while 100-pound alligator snapping turtles are being collected -- and killed -- faster than they can repopulate their Southeast river homes.
Read our press release, learn about the amphibian and reptile extinction crisis, find the 53 herp species on our interactive map and then share it with your friends on Facebook.