Re: Echis(Serpentes: Viperidae)
Moin Maik,
wie die Tage versprochen anbei eine Echis-Liste.
Leider habe ich aus Zeitgründen nur Arbeiten heraussuchen können, welche das Wort Echis im Titel enthalten.
Die Volltextsuche mit knapp 700 Zitaten maile ich Dir mal direkt zu, da sehr sehr viele Arbeiten nicht relevant sind. Da nach "echis" gesucht wird, habe ich zu viele "griechische und tschechisiche Artikel", sowie viel über Borthriechis, Pseudechis etc. in der Liste vorgefunden.
p.s. - Mertens, R. (1965)... aus obriger Suchliste kannst Du ebenfalls streichen, da er bereits kopiert bei dem Cherlin liegt.
Und nun viel Spaß:
ADIYODI, K. G. (1961): Occurence of the Phoorsa, Echis carinata (SCHNEIDER) alsong the Malabar Coast South of Karwar - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 58 (1): 528
AUFFENBERG, W. & H. REHMANN (1991): Studies on Pakistan Reptiles. Pt. 1 The Genus Echis (Viperidae) - Bull. Florida State Mus. Biol. Sci., Miami, 35 (5): 263 - 314
AYMERICH, M., E. BOROF-AYMERICH & P. GENIEZ (2004): Neufunde der seltenen Weißbäuchigen Sandrasselotter Echis leucogaster ROMAN, 1972 in Marokko (Serpentes: Viperidae) - Herpetozoa, Wien, 16 (3/4): 157 - 162
BACKMANN, D. (1972): Unterschiede in der Giftwirkung von Sandrasselottern (Echis carinatus) und Kettenvipern (Vipera russelii) - Salamandra, Rheinbach, 8 (3 - 4): 177 - 178
BALZEREIT, H. (1979): Nachzucht der Griechischen Landschildkröte - DATZ, Stuttgart, 32 (2): 64 - 65
BANNERMAN, W. B. (1910): Note on the breeding of Echis carinata - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 20: 230 - 231
BOUSKILA, A. & A. ELBAR (1997): Echis coloratus does not trail envenomated Spiny Mice - in: ROCEK, Z. & S. HART (Eds.): Herpetology '97 (Abstr. 3rd World Congr. Herpet.) - Prague (Third World Congress of Herpetology): 26 - 27
BRANFORD, R. (1914): Recovery from bite of Echis carinata - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 23: 378
CHERCHI M. A. & S. SPANÒ (1963): Note su un viperide dell'Arabia meridionale: Echis coloratus Günther - spedizione Scortecci nell'Hadramaut (1962) - Boll. Mus. Ist. biol. Univ. Genova, 32 (193): 109 - 116
CHERLIN, V. A. (1981): The new saw - scaled viper, Echis multisquamatus sp. nov. from South - Western and Middle Asia - Poc. Zool. Inst. Acad. Sci. USSR, 101: 92 - 95
CHERLIN, V. A. (1984): New facts on the taxonomy of Snakes of the genus Echis - Smithson. Herp. Inf. Serv., Washington, 61: 1 - 7
CHERLIN, V. A. (1990): Taxonomic Revision of the snake genus Echis (Viperidae) - II. An analysis of taxonomy and description of new forms - in: BORKIN, L. J. (1990): Reptiles of Mountain and arid Territorities: Systematics and Distribution. Leningrad (Proc. Zool. Inst.), 207: 193 - 223
CHERLIN, V. A. & L. J. BORKIN (1990): Taxonomic Revision of the snake genus Echis (Viperidae) - I. An analysis of the history of study and synonomy - in: BORKIN (1990): Reptiles of Mountain and arid Territorities: Systematics and Distribution. Leningrad (Proc. Zool. Inst.), 207: 175 - 192
COURAGE, K. & U. JOGER (1997): Are Palearctic 'Rattlesnakes' (Echis and Cerastes) monophyletic? - in: ROCEK, Z. & S. HART (Eds.): Herpetology '97 (Abstr. 3rd World Congr. Herpet.) - Prague (Third World Congress of Herpetology): 45
DERANIYAGALA, P. E. P. (1951): Some new races of the snakes Eryx, Callophis and Echis - Spolia Zeylanica, Colombo, 26 (2): 147 - 150
DERANIYAGALA, P. E. P. (1960): The Effect of the venom of Echis carinata sinhaleya the Saw Scaled Viper of Ceylon - Spolia Zeylanica, 29 (1): 33 - 34
DREWES, R. C. & J. M. SACHERER (1974): A new Population of Carpet Vipers Echis carinatus from northern Kenya - Jour. E. Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. Natl. Mus., 145: 1 - 7
DUFF-MACKAY, A. (1965): Notes on the Biology of the Carpet Viper, Echis carinatus pyramidum (Geoffroy), in the Northern Frontier Province of Kenya - Jour. E. Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. Natl. Mus., 25 (1): 28 - 40
GOODE, M. (1979): Notes on Captive Reproduction in Echis colorata (Serpentes: Viperidae) - Herp. Rev., Athens, 10 (3): 94
GOODE, M. (1983): Echis colorata (Palestine Saw - scaled Viper). Water Economy - Herp. Rev., Athens, 14 (4): 120
HERRMANN, H.-W., P. A. HERRMANN & P. GENIEZ (2000): Zur Verbreitung von Echis leucogaster ROMAN, 1972 in Marokko - Salamandra, Rheinbach, 36 (3): 203 - 207
HUFFAM, W. T. E. (1933): Case of recovery from the bite of a Phoorsa (Echis carinata) - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 35: 688 - 690
HUGHES, B. (1976): Notes on African Carpet Vipers, Echis carinatus, E. leucogaster, and E. ocellatus (Viperidae, Serpentes) - Rev. Suisse Zool., Geneve, 83 (2): 359 - 371
HUGHES, B. & G. R. ZUG (1984): Newe Facts of the Taxonomy of Snakes of the Genus Echis - Mod. Lang. Dep. Univ. Ghana, 61: 1 - 10
IONIDES, C. J. P. & C. R. S. PITMAN (1965): Notes on two East African Venomous Snake Populations - Echis carinatus pyramidum (Geoffroy), Egyptian Saw - scaled Viper and Vipera hindii Boulenger, Montane Viper - Jour. E. Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. Natl. Mus., 25 (2): 116 - 121
JASTI, J., M. PARAMASIVAM, A. SRINIVASAN, & T. P. R. A. SINGH, (2004): Crystal structure of echicetin from Echis carinatus (Indian saw - scaled viper) at 2. 4 ANG resolution - Journal of Molecular Biology, 2004, 335 (1): 167 - 176
JOGER, U. & K. COURAGE (1999): Are Palaearctic 'rattlesnakes' (Echis and Cerastes) monophyletic? - Kaupia: Darmstädter Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte. 8: 65 - 81
JOLLY, G. G. (1912): Habitat of Echis carinata - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 21: 1340
KHACHER, L. J. (1977): Echis in trees - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 74: 180 - 181
LEHMANN, H. D. (1964): Echis carinatus im Terrarium - DATZ, Stuttgart, 17 (5): 151 - 152
LEHMANN, M. (1980): Haltung und Nachzucht von Echis carinatus leakeyi X Echis coloratus - herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 2 (4): 33 - 34
MAJOR, F. F. (1917): Exeptionally large Saw Scaled Viper (Echis carinata) - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 25: 308
MEBS, D. & F. KORNALIK (1981): Schlangengiftseren - Probleme ihrer Wirksamkeit, untersucht am Beispiel von Echis carinatus - Salamandra, Rheinbach, 17 (3 - 4): 89 - 98
MOSSE, A. H. E. (1912): Saw - Scaled Viper (Echis carinatus) as a Tree Snake - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 21: 1339 - 1340
PEZZANO, V. (1987): Reproduction of Echis pyramidum (GEOFFROY SAINT - HILAIRE, 1827) in captivity - Litt. Serp., Asten, 7 (6): 272 - 277
PITMAN, C. R. S. (1972): The Saw Scaled Viper or Carpet Viper, Echis carinatus, in Africa and its Bite - Jour. Herp. Ass. Afr., 9: 6 - 34
SAINT GIRONS, H. & I. INEICH (1993): Données histologiques sur la glande libiale supérieure externe des Viperidae du genre Echis [Histological data on the superior externae labial gland in the viperid genus Echis] - Amphibia - Reptilia, Leiden, 14 (3): 315 - 319
SCHMIDT, D. (1990): Titelbild - Echis carinatus - elaphe, 12 (3): 60 - 60
SHARMA, B. D. & N. E. VAD (2002): Ecology of Saw - scaled Viper, Echis carinatus (Schn.) In: Sharma, B. D. (ed.) - Indian Poisonous Snakes (An Ecological and Clinical Study) - Anmol Publ. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 148 - 214
STEMMLER, B. V. O. (1971): Zur Haltung von Echis carinatus leakeyi Stemmler und Sochurek 1969, der Kenya - Sandrasselotter (Reptilia, Serpentes) - Zool. Garten (N. F.), Jena, 40 (4/5): 200 - 210
STEMMLER, O. (1970): Die Sandrasselotter aus Westafrika: Echis carinatus ocellatus subsp. nov. (Serpentes, Viperidae) - Rev. Suisse Zool., 77 (18): 273 - 282
STEMMLER, O. (1970): Über den Geburtsvorgang bei einer Sandrasselotter, Echis carinatus - Salamandra, Rheinbach, 6 (1 - 2): 18 - 25
STEMMLER-GYGER, O. (1965): Zur Biologie der Rassen von Echis carinatus - Salamandra, Rheinbach, 1 (1 - 2): 29 - 46
STRIP, S. A. (1930): Recovery from the Bite of a Phoorsa (Echis carinata) - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 33: 723
STUBENVOLL, R. (1953): Die Sandrasselotter (Echis carinata) - DATZ, Stuttgart, 6 (4): 99 - 99
TYURIN, S. V. (1986): A record of scaleless specimen of the Saw - Scaled Carpet Viper, Echis multisquamatus - in: ANANJEVA & BORKIN (Ed.): Systematics and Ecology of Amphibians and Reptiles - USSR Acad. Sci., Proc. Zool. Inst., Leningrad, 157: 202
VYAS, R. (1998): Captive breeding of the saw - scaled viper (Echis carinatus) - Hamadryad, Mamallapuran, 22 (2): 115 - 117
WALL, F. (1900): Parturition of an Echis carinata - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 13: 184
WALL, F. (1909): Notes on two casualties from the Sawscaled Viper (Echis carinatus) - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 19: 266 - 267
WALL, F. (1914): Notes on a gravid Echis carinata - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 23: 377 - 378
WARRELL, D. A., M. DAVIDSON, L. D. OMEROD, H. M. POPE, B. J. WATKINS, B. M. GREENWOOD & H. A. REID (1975): Bites by the Saw - Scaled or Carpet Viper, Echis carinatus: trail of two Specific Antivenoms - Jour. Herp. Ass. Afr., 13: 21
WHISTLER, H. (1916): Abundance of the Saw Scaled Viper (Echis carinata) in the Punjub - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 24: 607
WHITAKER, R. (1970): Notes on Bites by the Saw - Scaled Viper, Echis carinatus in the Deogad Area of Ratnagiri District, Maharashtra - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 67 (2): 335 - 337
WHITAKER, R. (1974): Climbing responce of two snake species during rain (Echis carinatus and Vipera russellii) - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 70 (2): 387
WHITAKER, R. (1975): Echis in Tamil Nadu - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 72: 563
Moin Maik,
wie die Tage versprochen anbei eine Echis-Liste.
Leider habe ich aus Zeitgründen nur Arbeiten heraussuchen können, welche das Wort Echis im Titel enthalten.
Die Volltextsuche mit knapp 700 Zitaten maile ich Dir mal direkt zu, da sehr sehr viele Arbeiten nicht relevant sind. Da nach "echis" gesucht wird, habe ich zu viele "griechische und tschechisiche Artikel", sowie viel über Borthriechis, Pseudechis etc. in der Liste vorgefunden.
p.s. - Mertens, R. (1965)... aus obriger Suchliste kannst Du ebenfalls streichen, da er bereits kopiert bei dem Cherlin liegt.
Und nun viel Spaß:
ADIYODI, K. G. (1961): Occurence of the Phoorsa, Echis carinata (SCHNEIDER) alsong the Malabar Coast South of Karwar - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 58 (1): 528
AUFFENBERG, W. & H. REHMANN (1991): Studies on Pakistan Reptiles. Pt. 1 The Genus Echis (Viperidae) - Bull. Florida State Mus. Biol. Sci., Miami, 35 (5): 263 - 314
AYMERICH, M., E. BOROF-AYMERICH & P. GENIEZ (2004): Neufunde der seltenen Weißbäuchigen Sandrasselotter Echis leucogaster ROMAN, 1972 in Marokko (Serpentes: Viperidae) - Herpetozoa, Wien, 16 (3/4): 157 - 162
BACKMANN, D. (1972): Unterschiede in der Giftwirkung von Sandrasselottern (Echis carinatus) und Kettenvipern (Vipera russelii) - Salamandra, Rheinbach, 8 (3 - 4): 177 - 178
BALZEREIT, H. (1979): Nachzucht der Griechischen Landschildkröte - DATZ, Stuttgart, 32 (2): 64 - 65
BANNERMAN, W. B. (1910): Note on the breeding of Echis carinata - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 20: 230 - 231
BOUSKILA, A. & A. ELBAR (1997): Echis coloratus does not trail envenomated Spiny Mice - in: ROCEK, Z. & S. HART (Eds.): Herpetology '97 (Abstr. 3rd World Congr. Herpet.) - Prague (Third World Congress of Herpetology): 26 - 27
BRANFORD, R. (1914): Recovery from bite of Echis carinata - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 23: 378
CHERCHI M. A. & S. SPANÒ (1963): Note su un viperide dell'Arabia meridionale: Echis coloratus Günther - spedizione Scortecci nell'Hadramaut (1962) - Boll. Mus. Ist. biol. Univ. Genova, 32 (193): 109 - 116
CHERLIN, V. A. (1981): The new saw - scaled viper, Echis multisquamatus sp. nov. from South - Western and Middle Asia - Poc. Zool. Inst. Acad. Sci. USSR, 101: 92 - 95
CHERLIN, V. A. (1984): New facts on the taxonomy of Snakes of the genus Echis - Smithson. Herp. Inf. Serv., Washington, 61: 1 - 7
CHERLIN, V. A. (1990): Taxonomic Revision of the snake genus Echis (Viperidae) - II. An analysis of taxonomy and description of new forms - in: BORKIN, L. J. (1990): Reptiles of Mountain and arid Territorities: Systematics and Distribution. Leningrad (Proc. Zool. Inst.), 207: 193 - 223
CHERLIN, V. A. & L. J. BORKIN (1990): Taxonomic Revision of the snake genus Echis (Viperidae) - I. An analysis of the history of study and synonomy - in: BORKIN (1990): Reptiles of Mountain and arid Territorities: Systematics and Distribution. Leningrad (Proc. Zool. Inst.), 207: 175 - 192
COURAGE, K. & U. JOGER (1997): Are Palearctic 'Rattlesnakes' (Echis and Cerastes) monophyletic? - in: ROCEK, Z. & S. HART (Eds.): Herpetology '97 (Abstr. 3rd World Congr. Herpet.) - Prague (Third World Congress of Herpetology): 45
DERANIYAGALA, P. E. P. (1951): Some new races of the snakes Eryx, Callophis and Echis - Spolia Zeylanica, Colombo, 26 (2): 147 - 150
DERANIYAGALA, P. E. P. (1960): The Effect of the venom of Echis carinata sinhaleya the Saw Scaled Viper of Ceylon - Spolia Zeylanica, 29 (1): 33 - 34
DREWES, R. C. & J. M. SACHERER (1974): A new Population of Carpet Vipers Echis carinatus from northern Kenya - Jour. E. Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. Natl. Mus., 145: 1 - 7
DUFF-MACKAY, A. (1965): Notes on the Biology of the Carpet Viper, Echis carinatus pyramidum (Geoffroy), in the Northern Frontier Province of Kenya - Jour. E. Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. Natl. Mus., 25 (1): 28 - 40
GOODE, M. (1979): Notes on Captive Reproduction in Echis colorata (Serpentes: Viperidae) - Herp. Rev., Athens, 10 (3): 94
GOODE, M. (1983): Echis colorata (Palestine Saw - scaled Viper). Water Economy - Herp. Rev., Athens, 14 (4): 120
HERRMANN, H.-W., P. A. HERRMANN & P. GENIEZ (2000): Zur Verbreitung von Echis leucogaster ROMAN, 1972 in Marokko - Salamandra, Rheinbach, 36 (3): 203 - 207
HUFFAM, W. T. E. (1933): Case of recovery from the bite of a Phoorsa (Echis carinata) - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 35: 688 - 690
HUGHES, B. (1976): Notes on African Carpet Vipers, Echis carinatus, E. leucogaster, and E. ocellatus (Viperidae, Serpentes) - Rev. Suisse Zool., Geneve, 83 (2): 359 - 371
HUGHES, B. & G. R. ZUG (1984): Newe Facts of the Taxonomy of Snakes of the Genus Echis - Mod. Lang. Dep. Univ. Ghana, 61: 1 - 10
IONIDES, C. J. P. & C. R. S. PITMAN (1965): Notes on two East African Venomous Snake Populations - Echis carinatus pyramidum (Geoffroy), Egyptian Saw - scaled Viper and Vipera hindii Boulenger, Montane Viper - Jour. E. Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. Natl. Mus., 25 (2): 116 - 121
JASTI, J., M. PARAMASIVAM, A. SRINIVASAN, & T. P. R. A. SINGH, (2004): Crystal structure of echicetin from Echis carinatus (Indian saw - scaled viper) at 2. 4 ANG resolution - Journal of Molecular Biology, 2004, 335 (1): 167 - 176
JOGER, U. & K. COURAGE (1999): Are Palaearctic 'rattlesnakes' (Echis and Cerastes) monophyletic? - Kaupia: Darmstädter Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte. 8: 65 - 81
JOLLY, G. G. (1912): Habitat of Echis carinata - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 21: 1340
KHACHER, L. J. (1977): Echis in trees - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 74: 180 - 181
LEHMANN, H. D. (1964): Echis carinatus im Terrarium - DATZ, Stuttgart, 17 (5): 151 - 152
LEHMANN, M. (1980): Haltung und Nachzucht von Echis carinatus leakeyi X Echis coloratus - herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 2 (4): 33 - 34
MAJOR, F. F. (1917): Exeptionally large Saw Scaled Viper (Echis carinata) - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 25: 308
MEBS, D. & F. KORNALIK (1981): Schlangengiftseren - Probleme ihrer Wirksamkeit, untersucht am Beispiel von Echis carinatus - Salamandra, Rheinbach, 17 (3 - 4): 89 - 98
MOSSE, A. H. E. (1912): Saw - Scaled Viper (Echis carinatus) as a Tree Snake - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 21: 1339 - 1340
PEZZANO, V. (1987): Reproduction of Echis pyramidum (GEOFFROY SAINT - HILAIRE, 1827) in captivity - Litt. Serp., Asten, 7 (6): 272 - 277
PITMAN, C. R. S. (1972): The Saw Scaled Viper or Carpet Viper, Echis carinatus, in Africa and its Bite - Jour. Herp. Ass. Afr., 9: 6 - 34
SAINT GIRONS, H. & I. INEICH (1993): Données histologiques sur la glande libiale supérieure externe des Viperidae du genre Echis [Histological data on the superior externae labial gland in the viperid genus Echis] - Amphibia - Reptilia, Leiden, 14 (3): 315 - 319
SCHMIDT, D. (1990): Titelbild - Echis carinatus - elaphe, 12 (3): 60 - 60
SHARMA, B. D. & N. E. VAD (2002): Ecology of Saw - scaled Viper, Echis carinatus (Schn.) In: Sharma, B. D. (ed.) - Indian Poisonous Snakes (An Ecological and Clinical Study) - Anmol Publ. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 148 - 214
STEMMLER, B. V. O. (1971): Zur Haltung von Echis carinatus leakeyi Stemmler und Sochurek 1969, der Kenya - Sandrasselotter (Reptilia, Serpentes) - Zool. Garten (N. F.), Jena, 40 (4/5): 200 - 210
STEMMLER, O. (1970): Die Sandrasselotter aus Westafrika: Echis carinatus ocellatus subsp. nov. (Serpentes, Viperidae) - Rev. Suisse Zool., 77 (18): 273 - 282
STEMMLER, O. (1970): Über den Geburtsvorgang bei einer Sandrasselotter, Echis carinatus - Salamandra, Rheinbach, 6 (1 - 2): 18 - 25
STEMMLER-GYGER, O. (1965): Zur Biologie der Rassen von Echis carinatus - Salamandra, Rheinbach, 1 (1 - 2): 29 - 46
STRIP, S. A. (1930): Recovery from the Bite of a Phoorsa (Echis carinata) - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 33: 723
STUBENVOLL, R. (1953): Die Sandrasselotter (Echis carinata) - DATZ, Stuttgart, 6 (4): 99 - 99
TYURIN, S. V. (1986): A record of scaleless specimen of the Saw - Scaled Carpet Viper, Echis multisquamatus - in: ANANJEVA & BORKIN (Ed.): Systematics and Ecology of Amphibians and Reptiles - USSR Acad. Sci., Proc. Zool. Inst., Leningrad, 157: 202
VYAS, R. (1998): Captive breeding of the saw - scaled viper (Echis carinatus) - Hamadryad, Mamallapuran, 22 (2): 115 - 117
WALL, F. (1900): Parturition of an Echis carinata - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 13: 184
WALL, F. (1909): Notes on two casualties from the Sawscaled Viper (Echis carinatus) - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 19: 266 - 267
WALL, F. (1914): Notes on a gravid Echis carinata - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 23: 377 - 378
WARRELL, D. A., M. DAVIDSON, L. D. OMEROD, H. M. POPE, B. J. WATKINS, B. M. GREENWOOD & H. A. REID (1975): Bites by the Saw - Scaled or Carpet Viper, Echis carinatus: trail of two Specific Antivenoms - Jour. Herp. Ass. Afr., 13: 21
WHISTLER, H. (1916): Abundance of the Saw Scaled Viper (Echis carinata) in the Punjub - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 24: 607
WHITAKER, R. (1970): Notes on Bites by the Saw - Scaled Viper, Echis carinatus in the Deogad Area of Ratnagiri District, Maharashtra - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 67 (2): 335 - 337
WHITAKER, R. (1974): Climbing responce of two snake species during rain (Echis carinatus and Vipera russellii) - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 70 (2): 387
WHITAKER, R. (1975): Echis in Tamil Nadu - J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 72: 563