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Ich kopiere mal einen abstract einer Arbeit rein, wo ein doch recht renommierter Biologe eine Methode zur objektiven Artdefinition vorschlägt. Geht das in deine Richtung?
Title: Using phylogeographic analyses of gene trees to test species status and processes
Author(s): Templeton AR
Source: MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 10 (3): 779-791 MAR 2001
Document Type: Article
Language: English
Cited References: 68 Times Cited: 123
Abstract: A gene tree is an evolutionary reconstruction of the genealogical history of the genetic variation found in a sample of homologous genes or DNA regions that have experienced little or no recombination. Gene trees have the potential of straddling the interface between intra- and interspecific evolution. It is precisely at this interface that the process of speciation occurs, and gene trees can therefore be used as a powerful tool to probe this interface. One application is to infer species status. The cohesion species is defined as an evolutionary lineage or set of lineages with genetic exchangeability and/or ecological interchangeability. This species concept can be phrased in terms of null hypotheses that can be tested rigorously and objectively by using gene trees. First, an overlay of geography upon the gene tree is used to test the null hypothesis that the sample is from a single evolutionary lineage. This phase of testing can indicate that the sampled organisms are indeed from a single lineage and therefore a single cohesion species. In other cases, this null hypothesis is not rejected due to a lack of power or inadequate sampling. Alternatively, this null hypothesis can be rejected because two or more lineages are in the sample. The test can identify lineages even when hybridization and lineage sorting occur. Only when this null hypothesis is rejected is there the potential for more than one cohesion species. Although all cohesion species are evolutionary lineages, not all evolutionary lineages are cohesion species. Therefore, if the first null hypothesis is rejected, a second null hypothesis is tested that all lineages are genetic ally exchangeable and/or ecologically interchangeable. This second test is accomplished by direct contrasts of previously identified lineages or by overlaying reproductive and/or ecological data upon the gene tree and testing for significant transitions that are concordant with the previously identified lineages. Only when this second null hypothesis is rejected is a lineage elevated to the status of cohesion species. By using gene trees in this manner; species can be identified with objective, a priori criteria with an inference procedure that automatically yields much insight into the process of speciation. When one or more of the null hypotheses cannot be rejected, this procedure also provides specific guidance for future work that will be needed to judge species status.
Gruss, Benedikt