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Berlin: Where to get cheap glass 4mm + 6mm

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  • Berlin: Where to get cheap glass 4mm + 6mm


    I'm new in town and can hardly wait to put some new tanks together. Glass prices are a bit spicy and this should be the right place to ask for a good cheap source? Where does Herp-people turn for cheap glass in Berlin? Does the terrarie club buy direct from wholesalers and sell non profit to its members?

    Looking forward to your reply,


    P.S. I understand german

  • #2
    Hello; you can buy glass with the glazier. Possibly you can buy disks already used. I always buy disks of Ikea. These are then into Pictureframe (?) however are substantially more favorable but they are very cheap .
    ____________________________________________________________ _____
    Hallo ;
    du kannst Glas beim Glaser kaufen .
    Eventuell kannst du bereits gebrauchte Scheiben kaufen .
    Ich kaufe immer Scheiben von Ikea .
    Diese stecken dann zwar in Bilderrahmen aber sind wesentlich günstiger .


    • #3

      Thanks for your answer, very cleaver actually, but how thick is that glass from IKEA? 4mm?

      Anyway, I found a huge pile 2,3 ton 4 mm glas now, big ones. He he, so if anyone else is looking for glas for a decent price you should send me a email instead. I have more glas then I need at the moment!

      All the best,


      Zitat von Cayenn Beitrag anzeigen
      Hello; you can buy glass with the glazier. Possibly you can buy disks already used. I always buy disks of Ikea. These are then into Pictureframe (?) however are substantially more favorable but they are very cheap .
      ____________________________________________________________ _____
      Hallo ;
      du kannst Glas beim Glaser kaufen .
      Eventuell kannst du bereits gebrauchte Scheiben kaufen .
      Ich kaufe immer Scheiben von Ikea .
      Diese stecken dann zwar in Bilderrahmen aber sind wesentlich günstiger .

