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C. quilensis

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  • C. quilensis


    Ich suche nähere Infos zum südafrik. Lappenchamäleon bezgl. Terrariengröße, Bauweise (Größe der Lüftungsflächen etc.) und natürlich Kontakt zu einem Züchter, der mir weitere Fragen beantworten kann.


  • #2
    Re: C. quilensis

    Hi Mirko,

    Chamaeleo quilensis is not endemic to South Africa. It's range is almost as big as the range off chamaeleo dilepis. The indentification of the different species of the dilepis group is very diffcult. The last 4 years I've tried to breed quilensis 3 and have had enough juveniles. Breeding this F1 generation was never succesfull because several reasons.

    The chance off finding South African quilensis is very low. However the best documention about quilensis is about the south african one. Because of it's wide range there's no 1 way te breed them.

    The last year I've seen legal quilensis been offered the first time with papers. All other times they were in a dilepis shipment. The problem is that people in africa don't know the difference between all dilepis and familiar species. So it's realy difficult to find them.

    Off all tanzania shipments I've seen 'there were at least 4 different species of dilepis. And all quilensis shipments were dilepis.

    At this moment I've got 1 offspring male. And I don't know anybody else who has them.

    Good luck and please keep me posted when you find them, because I might be interested.

    If you like to have more information please contact me true e-mail.


