Ron Tremper, sicherlich mit Abstand einer der erfahrenste Leopardgeckozüchter, hat heute Nacht zwei e-mails abgeschickt in denen er sich mit einer möglichen Behandlung einer Kryptosporidien Infektion und einem von ihm empfohlenen Umgang mit der Erkrankung zu Wort meldet.
Auch wenn ich generell dagegen bin Behandlungsempfehlungen weiter zu geben (gerade bei verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamenten), denke ich doch, dass diese zwei e-mails eine Ausnahme darstellen sollten, da Kryptosporidien ein wirklich ernsthaftes Problem darstellen und auch Tierärzte hier an ihre Grenzen gelangen. Gerade die zweite mail beinhaltet auch ein wenig Diskussionstoff.
Ich bin heute sehr in Eile, wenn jemand die Zeit findet den Text zu übersetzen wäre das prima, damit auch weniger anglophile an dem Text teilhaben können.
Liebe Grüße
Mail 1:
Hi Everyone........
Here's some important recent findings that have come my way via clients and contacts about the organism Cryptosporidium (= "Cyrpto")in leopard geckos.
The new drug of choice for Crypto in leopard geckos (will work on other
herps as well) is HUMATIN (= paromomycin). It is a drug for humans
but has been used in cage bird industry against Crypto with great success. The few herpers that have used it say it saves geckos.
Last spring a guy in Panama, which is a top parrot breeder, got in some geckos from the US, which really went downhill from Crypto.
He contacted a top bird Vet and was prescribed the drug Humatin.
He reported directly to me at the 2007 Daytona Expo in August that his geckos recovered - even ones with "pin tails".
So I contacted his Vet and here's some of that input I received..........
".......Humatin is the brand name for Paromomycin. If you buy it buy the generic as it is much less expensive. The dose that I recall is high - like 400 mg/kg orally once daily for 10 days. A second round of treatment may be necessary. It is important to disinfect with ammonia. That is >from my memory. [the Panamian] used it with his geckos with great success. I have been using it to treat birds for years with very good success."
additional comments ...........
There is a published [Humatin] dose of 300 to 800 mg/kg for geckos with cryptosporidium (referenced to Coke RL and Tristan TE - Proceedings of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians.) I chose to go with 400 mg/kg. It is noted that this provides clinical relief but cannot be relied upon to stop shedding [egg cysts]. The immune response of the animal is important and very temperature dependent. Also disinfection of the environment is critical to reduce the level of organisms in the environment. Cryptosporidia are very environmentally resistant. Anything to reduce the environmental loads of cysts would be helpful.........."
In reading all the research literature on how to kill crypto (egg) cysts.....the concensus is to simply let caging and water bowls dry for
8 hours. Moisture keeps them alive, even when treated with acid and gases. Desication or Ammonia seem to be the best egg destroyer.
I hope this information aides in controlling the growing threat of Crypto in the leopard gecko industry worldwide. Much works needs to be done to test Humatin's long range effects. It is important for all of us to attack this disease head on.
(disclaimer = Use of the above information is not guaranteed to cure Crytpo and the user is solely responsible for their own actions. I am merely passing on what I have learned from others.)
Kind regards,
Ron Tremper........
Mail 2:
Hi Everyone.......
Now that there is some hope for the drug HUMATIN (= paromomycin - Vet prescribed) in combating Crypto in leopard geckos, I want to share my thoughts on how to further manage this disease organism.
1) Humatin (=paromomycin) 400mg/kg orally for 10 days. Treat ailing
geckos early in the disease process. The sure sign that Crypto is at
hand is that your gecko will regurgitate their skin shed bundle and/or food items undigested. Other symptoms include weight loss, diarrhea, loss of appetite and internal abdominal blackening.
It is my opinion that Crypto is carried by most, if not all, leopard geckos and that symptoms emerge due to stress. The most common
actions that cause stress are shipping, competition/fighting, improper
cage temperature and over-crowding.
2) Do not over-crowd geckos. Size sort growing young every 10 days
and do not house more than 6 geckos, under 6", in a 16" x 22" x 6" sweater/blanket type plastic storage box. No more than 5 adults in
the same growout space.
3) From hatching, do not keep growout males together past 6".
4) Do not transfer moisture or feces from one cage to another. Wash your hands thoroughly if you come into contact with the water dish or
droppings during regular maintenance. Soak cage boxes and water dishes in 10% ammonia solution for 2-4 hours, rinse, and then let items dry completely for 4-6 hours.
5) I believe that the further a given bloodline is from the "wild caught" line the more susceptible geckos are to Crypto. Make outcross breedings back to wild or different bloodlines every 5 generations to inject vigor into your group and boost their natural immune system.
6) Unless you know the source, quarantine new arrivals for a minimus of 2 months and away from your established geckos. If possible, have your Vet check stool samples from new arrivals or geckos that are losing weight.
These seem to be the best tools to manage Crypto. I believe that implementing such practices will allow anyone to keep this organism
under control.
Ron Tremper
December 17, 2006
Auch wenn ich generell dagegen bin Behandlungsempfehlungen weiter zu geben (gerade bei verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamenten), denke ich doch, dass diese zwei e-mails eine Ausnahme darstellen sollten, da Kryptosporidien ein wirklich ernsthaftes Problem darstellen und auch Tierärzte hier an ihre Grenzen gelangen. Gerade die zweite mail beinhaltet auch ein wenig Diskussionstoff.
Ich bin heute sehr in Eile, wenn jemand die Zeit findet den Text zu übersetzen wäre das prima, damit auch weniger anglophile an dem Text teilhaben können.
Liebe Grüße
Mail 1:
Hi Everyone........
Here's some important recent findings that have come my way via clients and contacts about the organism Cryptosporidium (= "Cyrpto")in leopard geckos.
The new drug of choice for Crypto in leopard geckos (will work on other
herps as well) is HUMATIN (= paromomycin). It is a drug for humans
but has been used in cage bird industry against Crypto with great success. The few herpers that have used it say it saves geckos.
Last spring a guy in Panama, which is a top parrot breeder, got in some geckos from the US, which really went downhill from Crypto.
He contacted a top bird Vet and was prescribed the drug Humatin.
He reported directly to me at the 2007 Daytona Expo in August that his geckos recovered - even ones with "pin tails".
So I contacted his Vet and here's some of that input I received..........
".......Humatin is the brand name for Paromomycin. If you buy it buy the generic as it is much less expensive. The dose that I recall is high - like 400 mg/kg orally once daily for 10 days. A second round of treatment may be necessary. It is important to disinfect with ammonia. That is >from my memory. [the Panamian] used it with his geckos with great success. I have been using it to treat birds for years with very good success."
additional comments ...........
There is a published [Humatin] dose of 300 to 800 mg/kg for geckos with cryptosporidium (referenced to Coke RL and Tristan TE - Proceedings of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians.) I chose to go with 400 mg/kg. It is noted that this provides clinical relief but cannot be relied upon to stop shedding [egg cysts]. The immune response of the animal is important and very temperature dependent. Also disinfection of the environment is critical to reduce the level of organisms in the environment. Cryptosporidia are very environmentally resistant. Anything to reduce the environmental loads of cysts would be helpful.........."
In reading all the research literature on how to kill crypto (egg) cysts.....the concensus is to simply let caging and water bowls dry for
8 hours. Moisture keeps them alive, even when treated with acid and gases. Desication or Ammonia seem to be the best egg destroyer.
I hope this information aides in controlling the growing threat of Crypto in the leopard gecko industry worldwide. Much works needs to be done to test Humatin's long range effects. It is important for all of us to attack this disease head on.
(disclaimer = Use of the above information is not guaranteed to cure Crytpo and the user is solely responsible for their own actions. I am merely passing on what I have learned from others.)
Kind regards,
Ron Tremper........
Mail 2:
Hi Everyone.......
Now that there is some hope for the drug HUMATIN (= paromomycin - Vet prescribed) in combating Crypto in leopard geckos, I want to share my thoughts on how to further manage this disease organism.
1) Humatin (=paromomycin) 400mg/kg orally for 10 days. Treat ailing
geckos early in the disease process. The sure sign that Crypto is at
hand is that your gecko will regurgitate their skin shed bundle and/or food items undigested. Other symptoms include weight loss, diarrhea, loss of appetite and internal abdominal blackening.
It is my opinion that Crypto is carried by most, if not all, leopard geckos and that symptoms emerge due to stress. The most common
actions that cause stress are shipping, competition/fighting, improper
cage temperature and over-crowding.
2) Do not over-crowd geckos. Size sort growing young every 10 days
and do not house more than 6 geckos, under 6", in a 16" x 22" x 6" sweater/blanket type plastic storage box. No more than 5 adults in
the same growout space.
3) From hatching, do not keep growout males together past 6".
4) Do not transfer moisture or feces from one cage to another. Wash your hands thoroughly if you come into contact with the water dish or
droppings during regular maintenance. Soak cage boxes and water dishes in 10% ammonia solution for 2-4 hours, rinse, and then let items dry completely for 4-6 hours.
5) I believe that the further a given bloodline is from the "wild caught" line the more susceptible geckos are to Crypto. Make outcross breedings back to wild or different bloodlines every 5 generations to inject vigor into your group and boost their natural immune system.
6) Unless you know the source, quarantine new arrivals for a minimus of 2 months and away from your established geckos. If possible, have your Vet check stool samples from new arrivals or geckos that are losing weight.
These seem to be the best tools to manage Crypto. I believe that implementing such practices will allow anyone to keep this organism
under control.
Ron Tremper
December 17, 2006