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Literatur Rosenboa

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  • Literatur Rosenboa

    Hallo zusammen!

    Ich habe bei einer Bekannten gerade Rosenboas entdeckt. Die gefallen mir super gut und ich würde mich gerne über diese schönen Tiere etwas informieren. Leider gibt es aber relativ wenige Infos darüber. Könnt ihr mir vielleicht was über die Haltung sagen oder besser noch Literatur, in der ich nachlesen kann??
    Irgendwo hab ich gelesen, dass das Buch "Kleine Boas im Terrarium" gut sein soll. Könnt ihr das bestätigen?

    Liebe Grüße

  • #2
    Wie andere Bücher dieser Reihe ein Bilderbuch, aber ein schönes..
    ist scheisse, aber hat sich gebess...ach nee.


    • #3
      Branson, B. A. (1993). "American boa constrictors." Reptile & Amphibian magazine 1993(Sept/Oct.): 48-55.
      Brennan, T. C. and M. J. Feldner (2001). "Geographic distribution. Lichanura trivirgata trivirgata." Herpetological Review 32(3): 196.
      Cope, E. D. (1898). "The Crocodilians, Lizards and snakes of North America (Boidae only)." Reports of the U.S. National Museum 2: 721-730,1237,pl.7&12.
      Eggleston, D. W. (1994). "Boas & pythons: The big guys." Reptiles 1(3): 36-51.
      Gorman, G. C. (1965). "The distribution of Lichanura trivirgata and the status of the species." Herpetologica 21(4): 283-287.
      Grismer, L. L. (1993). "The insular herpetofauna of the Pacific coast of Baja Califronia, México." Herpetological Natural History 1(2): 1-10.
      Helin, T. (1999). "Rosenboan, Lichanura trivirgata, en liten jätteorm." Snoken 29(4): 5-8.
      Klauber, L. M. (1931). "A new subspecies of the California boa, with notes on the genus Lichanura." Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 6(20): 305-318 + 1 plate.
      Klauber, L. M. (1933). "Notes on Lichanura." Copeia 1933(4): 214-215.
      Kurfess, J. F. (1967). "Mating, gestation, and growth rate in Lichanura r. roseofusca." Copeia 1967(2): 477-479.
      Mattison, C. (1996). "Rosy boas." Reptilian 4(4): 36-39.
      Medina, D. R. (1959). "Observations on the feeding behavior of a captive rosy boa, Lichanura roseofusca." Copeia 1959(4): 336.
      Merker, G. and C. Merker (1995). "The allure of rosy boas." Reptiles 2(4): 48-63.
      Norrie, S. (1994). Reproduction of the rosy boa, Lichanura trivirgata. Breeding Reptiles & Amphibians. S. Townson. London, British Herpetological Society: 122-125.
      Ottley, J. R., R. W. Murphy, et al. (1958). "The taxonomic status of the rosy boa Lichanura roseofusca (Serpentes: Boidae)." Great Basin Naturalist 40(1): 59-62.
      Powers, A. L. and B. H. Banta (1976). "Lichanura trivirgata Cope recorded from Cerralvo Island, Gulf of California, Mexico." Bulletin Maryland Herpetological Society 12(4): 119-121.
      Ruben, J. A. (1977). "Morphological correlates of predatory modes in the coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) and rosy boa (Lichanura roseofusca)." Herpetologica 33(1): 1-6.
      Schumacher, J., E. R. Jacobson, et al. (1994). "Adenovirus-like infection in 2 rosy boas (Lichanura trivirgata)." J Zoo Wildlife Med 25(3): 461-465.
      Smith, C. and K. Wintin (1993). "Captive husbandry and reproduction of the rosy boa (Lichanura trivirgata trivirgata." Captive Breeding 1(3): 12-15.
      Spiteri, D. E. (1988). The geographic variability of the species Lichanura trivirgata and a description of a new subspecies. Proceedings of the Conference on California Herpetology. H. F. De Lisle, P. R. Brown and B. a. M. Kaufman, Brian M. Van Nuys, CA, Southwestern Herpetologists Society: 113-130.
      Spiteri, D. E. (1994). "A further analysis of the Cedros Island boa, Lichanura trivirgata bostici." Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 29(11): 248-250.
      Spiteri, D. G. (1993). "The current taxonomy and captive breeding of the rosy boa (Lichanura trivirgata)." Vivarium 5(3): 18-21;27;34.
      Stejneger, L. (1889). "Description of two new species of snakes from California." Proceedings of the United States National Museum 12(766): 95-99.
      Stejneger, L. (1891). "On the snakes of the Californian genus Lichanura." Proceedings of the United States National Museum 14(878): 511-515.
      van het Meer, J. (1996). "Keeping, breeding and caring for Lichanura." Litteratura Serpentium 16(3): 64-70.
      Witwer, M. (1996). "Rosy boas." Reptile & Amphibian Magazine 1996(Nov./Dec.): 58-69.
      Witwer, M. (1996). "Time of birth in a rosy boa, Lichanura t. trivirgata." Notes from NOAH 23(6): 2.
      Wood, D. A., R. N. Fisher, et al. (2008). "Novel patterns of historical isolation, dispersal, and secondary contact across Baja California in the Rosy Boa (Lichanura trivirgata)." Mol Phylogenet Evol 46(2): 484-502.
      Yingling, R. P. (1982). "Lichanura, L. trivirgata." Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles(294): 1-2.


      • #4
        Danke für eure Antworten!

